In another tragically hysterical and desperate bid for trying to show that they are in control, the liberals have tossed yet another CNN "Senior Political Analyst" out to see what she could do to make Republicans feel bad about themselves. This appeared online Wednesday October 7th in the evening and it's one of the best drop-dead funny pieces I've read in ages.....
What exactly does it take to become a "Senior Political Analyst" for CNN anyway? What is the criteria? Knee pads for orally pleasuring president hussein? And I'm not being sexist here... Ed Rollins is no better on this point. The slavish devotion to defending the potentially bruised ego of the country's biggest nightmare president since Jimmy Carter is surely a prime qualifier for the post. That and a near complete lack of historical perspective.
Borger has come to the conclusion in only a scant nine and a half months that Republicans aren't exactly eager to sign onto hussein's crazy political death ride for the US of A. The fact that she sees the razor's edge we are sliding down as something wondrous and so spectacular that she insists her beloved Fuhrer MAKE the Republicans agree with him on something is not exactly Germaine to the issue at hand... but it DOES help to color her naivety somewhat.
But enough hyperbole....
With astounding grace and acumen she sums up the Conservative's primary take on what SHOULD be done... cut taxes, put more money back in the pockets of the people, and have more jobs by eliminating the deficit. Then she goes and spoils it all by pointing out this is all untested fantasy material... a sort of socio-political Playboy Centerfold of Utopian and unreachable dreams... except that they are NOT.... or more technically, they WERE NOT.... until her beloved leader president hussein went and spent more money than Caligula on a particularly hedonistic and self-destructive bent...
She then makes the somewhat amusing point that Republicans are a bunch of name-callers.... tossing aside such hideous accolades as "socialist", environmentalist, and "dithering commander-in-chief". But she doesn't help her cause any by in the same breadth providing the very real and intractable justifications for these.
And then she has the balls to make the charge that Republicans are actually rebounding in popularity due to the persistent saber-rattling... as if this were a conccept never even considered by her beloved Reichmeister, president hussein. Hell, the Democrats practically invented "Lie, rinse, repeat.... lie, rinse, repeat..." as a way to get their points pounded into the world.
The only part of that we didn't pick up on was the lying.
And horrors, it's turning out to be a good thing for the Republicans! What shocking news! Especially when you consider that a few short months ago the Democrats and the yellow journalists were patronizingly "helping the Republicans" by telling us we should get rid of that loudmouth Rush Limbaugh. Yes... they really were concerned that we needed their help then.
Now, I think they are really concerned... but more because we DON'T need their help.
The GOP has adopted one of it's best tactics in years... one which is unassailably working and is frightening the hell out of the Dems... we have picked up on hussein's nom deplume for us as "The Party of No" and we have refused to play along with destructive, burdensome and unnecessary socialist programs which threaten the very fabric of our nation.
That means the Dems will have no legitimate.. or even potentially salient illegitimate means to blame Republicans for the failures that are inevitable in all of this. That makes the whole thing a Dem party.
And now that it's a Dem party, it's clear they are sweating buckets because even THEY know it won't work.
Health care... the wet dream of every socialist liberal in the Western world, will bankrupt the economy and as a typical government-run fiasco will rapidly go broke, taking down with it many other programs and side-businesses.
Or did we not learn lessons from:
Social Security
To name but a few disasters.
So what does "Senior Political Analyst" Gloria Borger suggest to fix all of this?
FORCE the GOP to go along with the Dems.
And how exactly do you do that?
Start acting like Republicans.
I don't see that happening.
What I DO see as happening is a slate of angry Americans who have seen the true face of the Democrat party this summer.... the hideous visage and Mickey Mouse voice of creepy neo-human Barney Franke and the twins of terror, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as they trashed fellow Americans and threatened and cajoled us... called us terrorists, racists and Nazis.
I see the 2010 election as one of an evolutionary step-forward for Americans....
2010: The year we make Comeback!
So enjoy the next 12 months Dems.... then it's house-cleaning time... and you can keep low-rated CNN in your pocket all you want... it's not going to help!
I'm Dr. Calamity and I'm loving this message
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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