Friday, January 22, 2010

Following the spanking Petulant US President flees to safer ground...

With the mainstream media tripping over themselves trying to paint a picture of president hussein as in control and unfazed by by the spanking the Conservatives have given the Democrats in Massachusetts this week, it's small wonder that the petulant US President has fled to the safer pastures of class warfare.

Of course president hussein could not have been bothered for several months on the issue of jobs and the economy. But now he wants to find some respite from the humiliation of the week's events and that means he has to rush to get approval from his adoring populace.

This means he has to demonize again.

So bloodthirsty for class-warfare is this idiot that he either oblivious or worse, fully cognizant that he is sending mixed signals to the private sector. If he is oblivious to his own actions' repercussions he is missing that he is chastising the banks for doing the one thing the rest of us only wish we could do... which is have a good business year. The banks are trying to get back to doing regular business. a natural thing for them to want to do... and they are starting to have some success.

If he is fully aware of what he is doing then his actions can only be deemed as an attempt to prevent the economy from correcting itself.

Either option is typically scary.

Let's face it... if president hussein were... I dunno... a loyal American then he would be holding up financial success as an example of how the economy is coming back. He would be supporting these people in their effort to make money, or best of all he could stand back, smile and say "That's one less thing on my plate to have to worry about".

But no... he's worried about them.

We aren't....

But then we want the economy to turn back around.

And it doesn't matter how much money he spends, how many dinner-dates with Michelle he flies to in other cities, or any other consideration... the only thing... the ONLY THING that will fix the economy.... is for a natural and organic urge to re-hire people on the part of the private sector.

If hussein truly believed the government was the solution for all then he would open up branches of the government which could be there for the sole purpose of hiring the populace and putting them to work.

Any mathematical take on THAT scenario shows the sheer folly of that idea....

So the private sector, not the public sector, is the key to revitalizing this country and by turns the rest of the world.

So naturally hussein wants to target anyone who actually makes money under his thumb... err... administration.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Embarrasing AP Story shows how confused Dems have become...

Of course Conservatives are feeling the glow just now with the long hoped for taking back of a nearly permanent Democratic Senate Seat. Senator Scott Brown has run a well-thought out and executed campaign and Martha Coakley did not.

So naturally I wanted to read this particular AP piece about how the Dems are "soul-searching" (AP speak for "placing blame") and frustrated over the loss of the Massachusetts seat. It's been a sh*tty year thanks to the efforts of the "on our knees for president hussein" gang. People who love this country have seen it eroded from within like never before. A willful assault on the livelihoods and the reputations of fully half the populace by the people who were supposed to represent us.

I deserved the opportunity to gloat just a little bit. Maybe Fox news was professional and cool, and according to Buffalo radio host Sandy Beach even CNN was reasonably cool about things, apparently the real fun to be had was on MSNBC where, per Mr. Beach, Chris Matthews was nearly incoherent, Keith Olbermann's head was likely to explode, and breeding-cow turned news anchor Rachel Maddow had a "...deer in the headlights" daze about her.

Damn, I wished I'd DVRd that...

Interestingly, however, this AP story is telling a weird rendition of the events.... the message that the Dems pulled out of all this is that they need to define their differences from Republicans even further? Huh? Really? While I still run into people who will tell me that all politicians are alike, more and more people are coming to the conclusion that most Republicans are not here to harm them. At least not on the National level, anyhow.

I'm really liking president hussein's assessment, wherein he states that voter frustration and anger over the last eight years swept Brown into office. It's a sign the man has cracked and he has no clue to whom he is talking... and any question placed to him can now solidly be deflected in his eyes with "I inherited this problem form George Bush".

What a f*cking whiner!!!! And yes, I'm referring to president hussein!

This "inheritance" defense is getting old, tiresome and is eroding his credibility. He he has yet to take personal responsibility for any situation that has come up. Oh, he's SAID he's responsible, but he has a history of throwing other people under trains that would make him a dream adversary in any superhero movie.... Think of the work Superman would have lined up for him trying to save private citizens from the evil villain hussein!

But wait... that won't happen... that would be actually creating a job... something he's not very practiced at.

Being a bit more serious, and getting back on track... hussein has made lip-service to how his administration might be at fault from time to time, but entirely without recrimination. Yet he has failed to get involved in high-level matters of serious state business, and in fact made boneheaded maneuvers while doing what little he did do.

Take the historically tragic earthquake in Haiti. This tiny little country has seen so much tragedy it seems that there can never be anything worse to happen to them... and yet it has. And rather than send the military in to pave the way, restore order, create landing fields, evacuate the wounded and set up rush triage units like he should have, he has assigned civilians with little if any knowledge of how to handle these events.

Remember the embarrassing notion hussein had to make Bill Clinton, the thorn in his side, special ambassador to Haiti? That move forced hussein to elect him and his other arch-nemesis, George Bush, to oversee the relief program. It is a sign of the class of the man that George joined in without hesitation, supporting Clinton and speaking positively, even rebuking Rush Limbaugh for his politicizing of the handling of the crisis.

Bush is not a traitor to the party for working with Clinton. I dislike Clinton's politics and I find him a relentlessly smarmy man, but I have said numerous times I never felt he hated America. He always perceived it as the land of opportunity. It's just that the opportunity he craved was illicit sex with the wrong women in the oval office. ... if you have to dream, dream big....

So to add gravitas to an attempt to shun his two biggest irritants, Bush and Bill are in there working hard to make hussein look good even though he doesn't deserve their respect. And more to the point, hussein is letting Bush be the point man in the relief effort in Haiti which should automatically tell you that he has not thought this through...

By giving Bush this opportunity to serve victims of a national tragedy and coordinate and make things work better he is negating all the cat-calls and bullsh*t of the "Katrina" incident. If Bush had really been the responsible party to Eff that operation up it would be the height of irresponsibility on hussein's part to put him in the Haiti effort on a high level position. And yet there goes George Bush, a better man than I.

And to say that Bill won't benefit from this... He's been given the golden opportunity to counter a few years of goofy mistakes and shine up his image... something he might consider worth doing assuming he wants to support Hillary's bid to retake the Whitehouse.

And what exactly WAS hussein up to when news of the earthquake hit? Why he was doing what he does best... strong-arming his Dems to beat the clock so he could have an awesome State of the Union announcement of Healthcare destruction being passed.

It's true.. he did not leave the closed-door meetings, he just occasionally conferred on the phone and put other people in charge. Apparently the imminent death of thousands and thousands of poor destitute people a few hundred miles away from the US shores was less important to him than the health care that no Haitians would be receiving.

Remember Bush staying with the children when the attack on the WTC happened? He made a decision to not upset the children which in fact may not have been the right call. But it was hardly a cowardly decision, and Bush took ownership of the situation and in fact rallied the American people just a few days later in a speech in NYC when someone yelled out that they could not hear him... he grabbed a bull horn and replied "That's okay. Because I can hear you. And soon the rest of the nation will hear you. And after that, the world will hear you!".

No writers on site.... that was George W. Bush. An improbably classy man. Even if we occasionally don't agree with him, he has earned our respect.

All of this however returns us to the goofy president hussein continuing to berate Bush and claiming Americans are angry from the last eight years....

If we're so angry, why are we longing for those glorious days?

By the way, and this is just an observation since Al Qaeda has been feeling their oats lately.... one of their stated goals has been to wage a war wherein they grind America down to the point where it can no longer afford to fight against them. Isn't it rather un-American then to go spending all the money we have when we are still in a state of war against an enemy emboldened by the pussy we elected president? Wouldn't that be giving aid and comfort to the enemy? Didn't that used to be illegal?

The Democrats have a hard year ahead of them. I hope they stay the course and keep striving to define the differences between them and Republicans, because it is exactly that divisive nature that has brought them to their nightmare scenario... the realization that they had total dominance of the country's three governing branches and they f*cked it all up. And now it's time to pay the piper....

I'm Dr. Calamity and I have waited a LOOOOOONG time to Approve this message.

You put one foot in front of the other...

By now I'm probably the last person to announce the election of Scott Brown as the first Republican Senator in Massachusetts in decades.

The historical element to this election is inescapable. First, it is clear signpost that everything every American did to shout down Democrat politicians who were trying to shove Universal Health Care down our throats, Every American who went to a Tea Party to show our anger at Government waste and failure to represent the people of this country, and Every American who blogged, wrote, spoke, and raised their fists in the air and shouted "We are the Party of NO" were NOT ineffective or pointless. It was proof that we did this as Americans fighting for our homeland.

Second, it is a matter of incredible irony that Senator Ted Kennedy, who embodied the most unholy aspects of this large government land-grab of power would ultimately be the cause of it's likely defeat. His seat going to a Republican (an independent?) upsets EVERYTHING that Obama wants to achieve... and it's all due to Ted's inability to hang on just a little longer....

It is a sweet victory at a time when we desperately needed a victory. Today is the one year anniversary of president hussein's inauguration, and it was his goal to have Health care as his toast to America that he could boast about... No matter what happens now, we have the momentum on our side, and we have a string of failures on hussein's watch that demonstrates the real greatness of the American People.

The fight is far from over, it is going to get harder before it gets better, but make no mistake, Conservatism is back on track and on the march, and we WILL take back the country and reward the Americans out in the streets who stood up and said "No" to the celebrity God Obama.

American pitted against American, the Private Sector put on trial, large corporations stolen away from the people who built them and given to the Unions, the spectre of targeted, punitive taxation, the wholesale waste of untold Billions and well into the multiple trillion mark of our money into the ether with the thinnest of oversight and control, the gall of leadership not only ignoring the will of the people but also in contempt of those same people, all of these things are the legacy of the hussein presidency... a great stain on a greater nation.... and I skipped about forty other issues just to keep this paragraph readable.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I Approve this message...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Director of the Smurf movie speaks out about Haitian relief...

World famous movie director James Cameron, also a noted peacenik and anti-war apologist said Friday on CNN that he felt it was a shame that Americans could not put relief workers on the ground in Haiti as fast as we could deploy Special Forces troops when we plan to invade another country.

Clearly James, who has made millions working in the greatest country on the planet being allowed to showcase tremendous cutting edge technology and storytelling ability (I callz em as I seez em...) is so eager to create a Susan Sarandon Avatar for himself that he has found a way to make the horrendous suffering of an as yet uncounted number of thousands of the most poor and destitute people on the planet a mere apple-crate for him to stand on to espouse his crackpot philosophy. Very humanitarian of him.

Yes, the man is insanely talented. Still, (and I am not at all politically motivated in saying this) I have zero interest in seeing Avatar. Again.. not for his loopy anti-American hysteria, but because there is a fatal flaw in the movie. A BIG WHOPPING fatal flaw in the movie....

Lessee here... gung ho camouflage-wearing military types in bulky weapons of destruction wander across an idyllic jungle planet rich with natural resources and go to war with the natives... freakishly over-sized smurfs in loincloths who then use Ewok-tactics to try to save their world from destruction. Who's gonna win? Anybody out there wanna tell me? No really... there's no way to forecast THAT one....

Yes, I know there's a little more to it than that... but in a nutshell that's the plot. Big, colorful, and stupid... but not as much fun as GI Joe... because GI Joe knew it was stupid and didn't care... James thinks he has created high art that should rank him up there with Robert Maplethorpe. Yes.. the film is raking in more bucks than "An Inconvenient Truth" but money does not sway from the crackpot philosophy and the idea that I've already seen this picture in the mercifully much shorter George Lucas version.

And this is the point... All of this is completely irrelevant to the Haitian disaster. Cameron is actually using a moment of intense personal tragedy for all of us to get more bang for his theatrical buck. Bet the Haitians are grateful for that. Perhaps he can donate a few truckload of spare Academy Award screener DVDs to the beleaguered nation to help them heal their wounds.

I had considered that someday I might have watched Avatar on .. I dunno.. TBS... but now I think it would just make me sick to do that. But for those of you who want to see the movie in all it's glory, here's an animatic from the film....

"James Cameron's AVATAR: IN A NUTSHELL

Apologies of course to the original UNICEF Smurfs Anti-war video... itself an exercise in scaring the s**t out of children...

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this wide-screen Digital THX Surround-Sound message...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some days you just wish Al Gore would be right....

It's the top of the calendar, January 3rd, and I flew out of Buffalo this morning in a blinding snowstorm in what can charitably be called bone-cold arctic wind. I ended up three hours later in Florida, which is suffering a particularly cold 45 - 50 degree snap... about 20 degrees lower than normal for this time of year.

CNN reported today that Beijing is facing such bitter and heavy snowfall that they may shut down due to it, even while millions are still returning from holiday travels. They say it's he worst winter weather they've faced in 40 years. Two years ago my boss, a Chinese man, sent images of cars covered in six inches of ice and pointed out that this is far from normal weather... as a way of explaining that some of our custom overseas shipments were likely to see delays.

The December summit in Copenhagen to formalize a world-wide treaty against Global Warming was itself uncharacteristically walloped with a heavy snowstorm unlike that seen in years.

Even as the United State's most esteemed Liberal Democrats pressed forward their doomsday agenda of Socialized taxation... ummm... 'scuze me... I meant to say Socialized Healthcare, Washington DC got... you guessed it... snowed under.

Gotta love God... he's got a great sense of humor.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message

(Supplemental: I'm reporting from Orlando, FL on this.... the local news down here says that the state is experiencing the coldest temperatures in over a decade.... it's going down to freezing overnight tonight. Global Warming my ass!!!!)