Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brewsters' Trillions....
If only that could be the case here....
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I wanna withhold your hand, hand hand...
April 1st, historically, is associated with the day that someone tries to pull the wool over your eyes. It is universally known in fact as "April Fools' Day".
And with good reason.
Y'see, here's what he said... Effective that week he would lower the withholding of payrolls so that you would see an extra on-average $13.00 per check.
Here's what he didn't say. The tax table is not being changed.
What does this mean? I'll tell you. It means that if you, like myself and many other former proud Americans, like having a decent tax return at the end of the year, you can forget about that. They'll do what they do best, and give you a trickle during the year instead of a lump sum at the end of the year. So in effect, you'll likely owe money, or at the very least not get as much money back, next year.
Ohhhhh... you probably think I'm just parroting what was on Rush Limbaugh today, don't you? And you'd have good reason to do so, for while I have had this in the back of my mind, it was the caller calling in today who jogged me to double-check. I called the IRS to confimr my suspicions. After being hot-potato'd around for a while they finally coughed up an answer... indeed that is correct.
Now, how can I claim to have come up with this all by my lonesome? Simple. You know how President Hussein has been comparing himself to all manner of former presidents? Well in that speech he evoked one that I think most people would not have made the association with, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Yup, somewhere in the early 1990s G.H.W. Bush did the exact same thing. I listened to his state of the Union address and went into work the next morning and told my boss under no circumstance would I authorize any change to my withholdings. He said I was an idiot and paranoid (it's okay, my wife says the same thing about me.... I'm used to it...) but he agreed and did not change my withholdings.
The next April my co-workers were all bitching becuase they owed taxes, and I reminded them with a not-terribly popular "I told you so". I'd already received my decent refund by that point.
Politics indeed makes for strange bedfellows... Hussein and Bush the elder... who'd have thunk it?
Now to be honest, in the end this is all kind of a shuffling game. I'm not the kind of person who sits by my second-story window and pokes his head out and screams "IT'S MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!". I'm the kind of person who wants to control that money. By leaving it in the hands of the government until the end of the year I let them play with it and get it all gooey from candy-hands, and then they make more money off of it, and then give it to me after they've gotten it all sticky and wadded up. But at least then I get a real amount and I can have the satisfaction of having the Government do me a legitimate solid, instead of a $13.00/week soul-sapping driplet.
You do as you see fit, but for me, not having to give my government anymore money at the end of the year is the name of the game. They have enough, thank you very much, and if they don't they can just bloody well stop spending it.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.
Finally, a Dem who speaks in specifics....
That question was posed to Joe Biden.
Elated that he was not face-to-face with an actual voter-drone, Joe confidently answered that the plan would ensure that if people could not make their way to that business, the stimulus would build a road so they could.
Clear, concise, the soul of brevity. Things Joe is not noted for. Evidently being second-fiddle to the God-Child suits him. He's starting to make sense. I'm thinking his buddies down at the local Home Depot where his chauffeur goes to escape from his boring drivel on a daily basis passed that bit of advice on to him.
So be advised, if people actually CAN make their way to your business, you're pretty much screwed. But if, like most voter-drones, you were smart enough to find a business at the end of the dirt road behind the Wendys, and behind the trailer home park, and behind the rusted out depleted woods skirting the EPA-controlled spot you actually go to work to every day, you are in for a real treat.
Holy Crap, I'm not kidding when I say that that's where I work. I'm gonna tell the boss right away! We've got some new roads coming!!! Yippeee!!!!!
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Time for Change....
WE THE MINIONS of the Socialist States, in order to form a more complacent union, establish strict government oversight, ensure domestic blas'e faire, provide for the communist defence, promote the general welfare-state, and secure the blessings of big government over ourselves and our posterity, do acquiesce and get out of the way of this Constitution for the Socialist States of America.
More current words were never written...
I'm Dr. Calamity and President Hussein Approves this message
Minor correction....
After all, standing up to the kind of assaults those anal conduits throw out is more than a job for most of us, and gender has little say in that one.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this correction.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Holding out for a hero...
We want to know who will take point and rally the troops in more meaningful ways than these obscure blogs. We want to have faith that there is a call to arms for a select few who have the cajones to stand up and take the ceaseless drumming assault which we now know to be a badge of honor, from the Democrats.
But do we want someone to be our rescuer? No. That is not quite correct. We want someone to unite us in a common goal, a belief-system which defies personal differences and makes former enemies allies. A large squid from outer space suddenly and gruesomely slobbering over NYC might do that (although somehow I don't really know if we would be all that shocked by that image... ) but as one of those isn't about to come down the pipeline anytime soon, we need a man or woman who will stand forth and say, "Alright you maggots!!! Who wants to live forever?!" and then we'll rush into fight.
You see, that's the difference. We want to be part of the solution. Being rescued Ala Lois Lane doesn't mean we aren't in the fight. We need the hero for one reason, and one reason only, to remind us of who and what we are when things go so horribly wrong.
This is why Rush Limbaugh is being singled out in the mainstream media.... he does that sort of thing. He points out the stupidity and arrogance of the enemies, and he reminds us to stop being snivelling victims, stand up and be proud of our beliefs.
Sarah Palin does that too. Why do you think NOW hates her so much. She wasn't a victim. Those women want.... nay... require that other women be helpless victims. They need it so they can have someone to rescue. There is no other reason for the personal assaults on Sarah that might have bowed a more weak-minded woman. Every time I am told I am an idiot for liking her because she 's so unintelligent, I smile and realize that the defence to treating her like a whore is that it is the party-line.
Sarah Palin is the woman to rally around. Maybe she is not the most worldly person out there. But she can take the blows and keep on coming, and more than that she can join with her enemies for a good laugh and then turn right around and continue to bash their errors.
She didn't sell out, and she didn't cross the aisle. She spent a couple thousand on dresses. Big effin deal. Hussein spent a massive amount of the GNP in the past two weeks, so I'll take the cost-cutting of Sarah to that any day.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is angling to run in 2012. I'm told he is an early front-runner for the GOP post of Presidential nominee, so if he's still around in a few years he may help shape things. The problem with being the early front runner in this thing is that the Dems have that much more time to flambe your character. Unfortunately, America has proven that it is weak-minded and ... let's be honest.... stupid. So they'll buy it.
John McCain, let's face it, he was never a conservative, and he was never much of a Republican. His biggest asset was that he wasn't the other guy. I knew early on he had little hope of winning because mine was part of a larger chorus of voices saying that it really would have been awfully nice if Americans were given a choice or something... jeez.....
When Sarah came in suddenly he came to life. So did we. But it was too little too late just then.
But it's not too late for the next round, and I'm hoping Sarah has learned from her battle wounds and is anxious for a re-match. That's what's needed... someone who's in it for blood.
So I'm holding out for a hero to fight beside.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
The Clock, She's A Tickin'....
What you and I want is NOT spare change. We want TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!
And that starts not in four years, but now, and it starts with the understanding that we are in this fight for the long haul.
The Republican party was attacked by a shockingly effective tactical series of blows which, good God Almighty, it's a shame they would never be used in actual combat, in the literal sense of the word decimated its ranks. First came the carpet bombs in the form of Democrats taking over the House and the Senate. Next came the espionage in the form of ACORN, spreading disinformation, cutting off communications lines and adding chaos to the mix. Then the deception maneuver, running Hillary as a potential Presidential choice solely for the purpose of sucking up any spare votes that might be missed, and then in a graceful and, truth be told, impressive assault, they tanked the economy.
I can't directly pin it on them yet, and I don't know if I'm the person to ferret out the details.... but if you were Nancy Pelosi (sorry.... I didn't mean to scare you there.... I'm just saying....) you couldn't ask for a wetter dream than to sink the Republican party with one fell swoop than actually destroying the US's, and by virtue of our size and importance to the rest of the world, the world's economy. I bet she had to have the mattress put out to dry after that one.
The Democrats deliberately tanked the world economy for a power grab. It makes sense, because they found with their Retard-Scientist, Al Gore, that you can convince enough people to accept that we're on "Bake" in this world even as we face decreasing temperatures.... and therefore, they could con a whole bunch of people into believing that the fabric of space and time were in danger of staying in the tanning booth too long. But not all of us.
So they needed to follow the old "Architects of Fear" approach from the seminal OUTER LIMITS series (I'm talking the old B &W series from like 1963...) wherein scientists fake an alien invasion to scare nations into uniting together for a common cause. They needed something so truly catastrophic that only they, resplendent in their tights and capes, and their generosity to the victims of life, could handle using their secret powers, MORE MONEY THAN EVEN REALLY EXISTS!.
The Democrats truly believe that they can not be stopped now, and for the time being they really can't. Untold damage HAS occured, and it will occur again. And again, and again.
But 2010 is only a short ways away. And we need to start identifying who will run for Congress, who will run for House of Representative,s and more importantly, who is in there now that we can harass and tar and feather until they get chased out of the office.
The Democrats have set the tone with their "no mud-slinging" policy which played the Republicans like fiddles in the Charlie Daniels Band. They kicked below the belt, they sued when they didn't win, they cheated to create fictional characters to vote so that they had more people on their side, they did every dirty trick in the book. Hell, Nixon blushes when he thinks of their dirty tricks.
Now we know the depths of their depravity. We know what is fair and what isn't fair. And we know if we ever want to live as free men and women in a society guided by values and not Czars of How to Cross the Street, we will have to get into the trenches, load up our muskets, accept that there will be sacrifices, and fight for our children. We will have to take back what was ours, and then make every last one of them regret ever having stepped foot in our land.
Not liking my tone? Tough! I don't much care for their either, so they can suck it!
Now on to the issue that once in a blue moon crops up... hoping someone assassinates the guy.
I'm serious. This is a nation that stands for values, and murder may be what the other side does to old people who are too costly for health care, or babies, but it is not what our side stands for. I loathe abortionists, but I don't consider killing them a solution (it'd be sort of like a guy starting up a channel to promote the virtues of Islam and then beheading his wife. It's just somehow.... I don't know... wrong...).
Really, I want Obama to be around for a long, long time. I want him to live to be very old, and to someday have the sudden realization, "Oh my God, what Sins I have cast!".
Of course he'll convince himself he hasn't but you can only run away from yourself for so long before you catch you. He still has to look in the mirror to shave. Someday that magazine cover face will peer back from the silver-backed glass and the eyes will be hollow and in despair, and the wrinkles will speak volumes. His new world order will be tattered and in ruins, and his one shot at greatness will be sung about the same way that we sing about the Bismarck... as in how much good it was to sink it!.
Don't kill him. Please.... I implore you all. That's not fitting enough. At the very least, let him grow old enough that he will be a waste of taxpayer dollars to treat.
I'm Dr. Calamity, and I approve this message.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Rose by any other name...
Let's Parse it, shall we?
Barack Hussein Obama.
Okay, it doesn't SOUND like something from America. But y'know, that's okay. I'm not hurting over something as juvenile as that. But still, ya gotta admit, "Barack" isn't real common. I wonder, what were his parents like?
Mom was white, dad was black. Makes him a mullato. That's okay too. Unlike him I'm not racist. I actually BELIEVE in the melting pot concept. He could be named Mohandas K. Oppenheimer and I wouldn't have any issue with him.
After all, he's made from good old-fashioned American stock, right?
Lessee here.... he SAID he was born in Hawaii. Now I know from my woefully underfunded school days from teachers who used to be so poor they had to walk three miles to get to school, barefoot in a raging snowstorm, that he has to have been born in the US of A in order to be made president.
Assuming he is not lying about his age he made it to being born in a US state in time (sadly, just 4 days before me, it turns out....) as Hawaii had been a state for two years by then. So why did he fight so hard to avoid legitimizing his nationality since after all, he WAS trying to run for the highest office of the land?
I know I'm talking more in terms of emoiton than hard fact right now, but it still angers me... this nagging idea that a Kenyan sits in the Oval office. Normally I have little truck for Kenyans... I don't care either way about them. But normally they are not in charge of my country.
This question should NOT go away during or even after this term, and should be investigated to its fullest extent.
When someone comes in and makes such sweeping changes and undercuts so many of his supposedly fellow countrymen's ideals, it is these questions that most need an answer.
So what's in a name... Kenya would be just as good a name as America, wouldn't it?
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
In case you forgot....
Then one day the sleeping giant, the Government, woke up, and said he had not been made to be all that impressive, and he swore he would become bigger thasn we were, and THEN we'd see who was in charge.
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Arlen Specter, all of them, have this bizarre idea that they are here to do for themselves. And striding purposefully like a magazine ad for a pair of Calvin Klein underwear atop the heap is good ol' Hussein.
I do not care a whit for what he says, because it is really what he DOES that is important. And what he has DONE is to advance the causes of his people (no, not the Mullatos.... I'm referring to the Liberals....) at the expense of the Conservatives and worse, the US of A.
Our government, the one that Acorn elected anyhow.... does not represent us, they merely tolerate us. Just go and ask Joe the Plumber who for the crime of asking one question of the Messiah was investigated illegally by people using Ohio State computers.
Makes me feel glad I live in a society controlled by the man he asked the question of.
Government of the people, by the people and FOR The F***ing people!!!!! COME ON!!!! IT'S NOT THAT FREAKING HARD A CONCEPT!!!!!!!
I've met people recently who have heard my side and you know what the hell they have the temerity to say to me? You wanna hear this? They say "Give him a chance... it's only been a month."
If we cut him any more slack he'll apologize to Neptune for Earth's imperialistic and arrogant sending of space probes out into the universe.
Have you noticed throughout my rants that I have yet to put his name with the job title? The reason I refer to him as President Hussein? It's not because I'm insensitive to his Middle-Eastern sounding name (I AM insensitive to it, but that's not the reason....) but rather he has not shown the ability to be our President. He has not shown the desire to express, even once, his admiration for this country.
At his invocational ceremony last month his priest derided white people and confirmed that all people of color, be they black, brown, yellow or whatveer, are victims.
I'm just a little bit sick inside over this guy. And I kind of want everyone to know it.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
NARAL and RAHPP and Hussein....
Obama lied and children died....
Remember the town hall meetings last summer? Remember how hard it was for John McCain to answer the question "When does life begin?"? He came back IMMEDIATELY with "At conception". He didn't hesitate, think what his advisers would say, or consult his list of supporter's political agendas.... he answered form the heart. He answered from the brain. He spoke what he knew to be true.
Obama stumbled and thought about it, reflected on his NOW constituency and worried how he would look if he gave an answer they would disapprove of, as opposed to one the rest of humanity would approve of, and he gave a characteristically non-committal, and yet oddly believable answer.... "That's above my pay-grade".
The man who runs the greatest country in the world, the championing of Life, Liberty and the American Way.... the Entertainment Weekly-crowned "Superstar", the Messiah, the one who will pull us out of this mess, is unable to understand what it is to be alive.
I expect little else from him as he voted three times as a Chicago politician to support late-term abortions and even the refusal to care for unborn children who somehow survived an abortion attempt. I wouldn't expect him to be consciously able to determine the origin of life.
You see in the Socialist States of America, you are guaranteed a house only if you survive those attempts to kill you before you are actually born.
And now the Federal Government, Obama's idea of "The Solution" to all of our problems.... is stepping in and trying to protect women's rights.
Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking... I'm against the rights of women. I get that. But you know what, I am NOT against the rights of women to be able to determine their lives. I don't want Whoopi Goldberg to fear going back to a life of slavery (y'know how much she must have hated all that cotton picking... it practically cost her an Oscar for her very first film just thinking about the back-breaking labor she had to go through....).
But there is a fundamental truth to what Rights and Freedoms in the Old Republic meant. I have the right to disagree with you, and it ends just at the point where my fist is about to reach your jaw. You see, my rights are sacrosanct, but they are NOT absolute. They are NOT more important than your rights. And as dismal a concept as it may be to some, yours aren't more important than mine.
Do you know what the funny thing is about liberals? They can't wait to put a human face on the tragedy of American's who die in service to their country. I'm talking about the men and woman who go overseas and place their lives in harm's way to protect sacred and venerable values that at least a handful of other administrations, and the founding fathers of this country, believed in. When I realize that my father went to war to join the fight to stop Hitler, and that in his day we spilled our blood so our brothers in Europe could live free, I am proud of that. When ,y nephew talks casually about Iraqis shooting RPGs down alleyways at his convoy I know he felt he was there for a reason.
Liberals can comfortably kill babies. Babies, at least the unborn kind, don't have faces. They don't have smiles and they don't have a personality. That's why they don't have life yet. They are connected up to the mother. It is the woman who must endure all that work and provide all that sustenance at the cost of her own convenience. Why should it be wrong to punish those little leaches?
Sixteen years ago I learned my wife was pregnant. So, it seems, did she. My initial reaction was to walk away from her for about half an hour and just sit down in the bedroom and think. I worried about what kind of father I would be, what changes would happen in my life, how I could afford to have a child, and what kind of a world was I bringing a baby into anyhow?
Now that he is here, and he has formed his own political opinions and his own belief system, I know that he stands ready to support the fight for what is right, not the fight for what is expedient. He no more accepts abortion than he does gangland slayings.
By the time of the next presidential election he will be another voice for taking back America.
Not once... NOT ONCE!!!!! Did it ever occur to me to suggest terminating the pregnancy. I am not well off (I even fall below Hussein's radar for income levels to target....) I am not interested in keeping women barefoot and pregnant, nor am I interested in forcing women to give birth.
Contact your Governors and your Senators and your Congress-asses, and tell them if they still want a job in a few years, to stop this move. Tell them that, to borrow a Hussein-ism, "I am my brother's keeper" (gee, I wonder where he got THAT line from, and what the authors would think of this stance....). And I choose to keep my brother around.
The taking of life is not a choice if you happen to be the one whose life is being taken. Please, bestow upon the unborn the same rights these retards would bestow upon convicted criminals, and remove their death sentences and let them live. You never know, they may just turn out to be not such bad folk after all.
I'm Dr. Calamity, and I approve this message.
Friday, February 20, 2009
"COLUMBIA, S.C. – The highest-ranking black congressman said Thursday that opposition to the federal stimulus package by southern GOP governors is "a slap in the face of African-Americans."
U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said he was insulted when the governors of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state, which have large black populations, said they might not accept some of the money from the $787 billion stimulus package."
This was acually's news page, and I mistakenly credited it to There's more, but I wanted you all toknow more or less what I was referring to, soI'm reprinting the first two paragraphs for you.
Dr. C approves this, y'know...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Color of The Nation....
Now Racism is having it's ugly head reared over the recent Chimp Attack cartoon the NY Post ran with the one cop telling the other that they had better find someone else to write the new stimulus package as they stand over the dead body of the chimp that had just gone nutty and started attacking a woman (critically, I might add....) and a police officer. It seems that the issue was that Hussein was being compared to a chimpanzee.
Now to be fair, historically Blacks have been unkindly linked to primates in a rather unpleasant reference to their supposed lack of evolutionary advancement. I get that and I get that that is a very hurtful thing. I grok that no one wants to be tarred with an epithet of "not quite human".
But Hussein didn't pen the Stimulus, he simply spends it. No, the true authors of this warped little document were Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They oversaw the crafting of this 800 Billion Dollar boondoggle and it was their agenda that was being passed along.
Somehow, the idea that Nancy Pelosi is being compared to a rampaging savage Chimpanzee ripping people in twain and caring not a whit for the lives or hopes of those who are simply nearby is oddly as appropriate a metaphor as anyone could have crafted. Her recent comment that she didn't come to Washington DC to be Bi-Partisan seems right up that poor departed chimp's alley.
And the racism continues... get this one, folks...
Black Atty. General Eric Holder contends that we as Americans are afraid to discuss racial issues. He suggests that for Black people to bring the subject up risks having one's character questioned. I'm not sure what exactly he's talking about. It's quite possible he's telling the truth. To be honest the problem, however, lies more in the black community than it does in the white community. I know that sounds like a rascist line in and of itself, but hear me out....
Notable activist producer/actor/comedian Bill Cosby, who's TV work hasn't exactly inspired me in the past twenty years, has come out on more than one occasion to chastise blacks for basically living the stereotype. Going on welfare, getting into gangs, insulting blacks who try to do better, and generally acting like whites are expected to think they would. You know what, he's right.
If racism is going to end it will take more than just having an idiot-savant crammed down our throats as the new Messiah.... it'll take more than a showy holiday in February... it'll take the courage to do the right thing in the face of peer pressure. It'll take the risk of leaving Africa behind and joining the citizens of America where you, your father, your grandfather and likely your great grandfather were born. Then you 're going to have to do something you really don't want to do.... let go of the anger.
Any psychiatrist or psychologist out there dealing with patients who hold onto their anger tell them the same thing. Let it go. Don't let the anger turn you. Anger is a force for positive change until it hangs on too long and becomes a force for vengeance.
Stop using racism as a catch-all defense. It loses its credibility when it gets applied to things non-sensically like in the case of what I just read on (it vanished almost immediately after I had read it, too.... by the way....) in which the South Carolina Governorn criticized any criticism of the Stimulus package as a slap in the face to African Americans everywhere.
He also took to task the rather insightful and brave motions of several governors in other states that all have said they will have to review the payments to their states from the stimulus carefully, for the cost of those benefits may come with toomany strings attached.
How odd to hear a human voice amidst all that sound and fury... people who still don't want to be given handouts. How positively refreshing.
This S.C. Governor made a point of complaining that these comments hurt what he so righteously called the "Black Belt", meaning the southern grouping of black constituents. As the article vanished before I could fully read it I'm afraid that the reasoning behind that was lost to me. I swear I went back and could not find it just a minute later... anywhere on
So what is the point of all this? Simple. The white people are not corralling and separating the black people. The Black people are doing that to themselves. Not all of them, but a majority of them. And worse than that, State leaders are now openly saying that they are there only to represent a portion of their constituency.
Once we all agree that we all bleed red and we all live in the same land we can start to discuss these issues openly and resolve them. And then... maybe then.... we can get tothe really important crap like retarded idiots in charge of us all building a massive government and spending money that it seems nobody anywhere has.
Oh boy.. there I go... offending the mentally handicapped now by associating them with Congress. I'll pay dearly for that one, I'm sure. Nobody likes to be thought of as "not-quite-human" after all.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
Sacrificing the future to serve the moment....
President Hussein has taken his second Air Force One flight this week. During last weekend he and his family flew out to Chicago to shoot hoops and get a haircut. Apparently in the Stimulus is seven billion toward personal carbon credits for him (okay, that one is just a joke, but not a huge stretch to believe....). Today he flew up to Canada to tell the Canadians that he's sorry the US is so mean.
Apparently I was not aware, working as I do a mere three miles from Canada, and occasionally going up to Scarborough to work in our company's home office, that Canada is tearing it's hair out of it's roots in anger and in frustration over the idea that we have not told them lately that we love them. I mean, after all St. Valentine's day came and went, and we never even sent roses.
The primary disconnect between the Obama view of the the US and... ohhh... everyone else's view, is that he sees us as having pushed around the rest of the world and now they just plain hate us. It really makes you wonder if he was bullied back in his cocaine-swilling days.
You can probably accuse me of being unfair to the guy, and you know what, you're right. I AM unfair to him. Why? He's getting even with us. He's using his position as leader of the free world to press personal agendas and glorify himself. And don't tell me someone who is called "Superstar" on the cover of ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY is not feeling abit glorified, 'cuz you know what, you'd be lying through your hinders.
I was flying through DFW airport about three weeks ago right after the coronation of the annointed god-child, and was soundly struck by the sheer volume and breadth of magazines having loving glorious images of their savior looking magnificent and resplendant. It was ridiculous and frankly insulting. I don't recall seeing G.W. Bush getting this kind of attention. Heck, I doubt the other Son of Man (you probably know him as that character in that Broadway musical from the early 70s, Jesus Christ... remember now?) would receive that kind of media attention.
I resent this tremendous in-your-face push to make sure that every last child is indoctrinated into the cult of Hussein. It dwarfs any charge that could be levied against the Republicans at their heyday.
I know I'm still going on about generalized issues, but rest assured there will be more in the near future on the details. I'm still trying to get this boil out of my blood. It's hard to be rational when reality itself is being warped. But it is the hallmark of conservatives that they will argue with realistic facts and figures, and not by emotions. So, as a human being I need to get my emotions out now so that as we progress and I start writing down the facts and figures they will be received properly.
I'm Dr. Calamity, and I approve this message.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
America's First Mullato President!!!
Uh..... well....
It's not going all that swimmingly.
First off his remarkable achievement of spending ungodly (what an appropriate phrase for a Democrat....) sums of money to solve America's having spent ungodly sums of money has resulted in the high expectations of his followers (cult? worshippers? I dunno...) being raisedto an even higher plain of existence. Yup, as a Cult leader, he has transfixed his minions with acts of seeming impossibility so they can "oooh" and "aaaaah" at him and assure themselves that all will be well.
And that mandate of what... 56% of the voting public? That landswell of support for him spearheaded by the harpies Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Whoopi Goldberg and Baba Wawa, has made clear that America was foolish and wrong for wanting to be secure, for wanting to stop our enemies, and for wanting to achieve a better life. Those harpies have assured that we live in a nation that knows only how to stop the ravages of overspending.... by overspending on an even grander scale.
I apologized to my father today. He's 83, and he lived most of hislife in a nation populated by presidents who all spoke proudly of their country. He fought in WWII to help preserve a way of life that he believed in, and then went on to build a business bearing his name and hand that to one of his sons to continue.
I apologized to him because I didn't fight hard enough to stop this jerk from getting elected. Because I did not strive to make my anger heard and because in the back of my mind it just didn't seem possible that someone could get elected to the highest office of the greatest land on the planet, and do so without ever uttering once how great America was, or explaining why he loved this country.
Now I worry that this blog may be used against me at some time. Make no mistake, I will never disavow my words... I firmly believe that president Hussein is an America-Hating radical and unlike our only hope of defeating him, John McCain, I have zero problem with pointing out that his most amazing character trait in similarity to Osama Bin Laden is the fact that both men have friends who have bombed the Pentagon.
Less than amonth into the new presidency and I still have yet to have the heart to put his name and the job title together... haven't even uttered the words yet... I can't. It's painful. I watch him doing things that will take DECADES to undue. I understand that while my wife believes I am a conspiracy theorist, all the things I feared are being initiated even as I type.
The United States of America is being brought down much the way the Berlin Wall was brought down. Foundations of stone are being replaced by drunken Dems... inebriated by power and money and excess.
Funny... that's what they were supposed to have been against, isn't it?
I promise you this blog will get more coherant and more fact-driven in future... I'm just into setting the tone right now. I'm part of the new silent majority. The seething, angry underside of America who is plotting and scheming to subvert the leaders of this victim-nation and restore it to it's former glory. To rest the clock to a time when we did not apologize to the rest of the world for having been a success.
Remember, the first press conference Hussein had was with the Arabs. He went on Al-Freakin'-Jazeera!
He wants to save our country from Al Qaeda by telling them we won't be a threat to them. Yeah, tactically a genius maneuver that's so stupid it just might... nope... no chance. It'll just make them laugh their asses off.
To say I hate the man and his policies is to say that I love America and I want all of you to remember that this is a great land of opportunity, and it's being co-opted out from under your feet.
Obama Lied and America Died!!!!!!!
And just to remind you all exactly where I stand, remember the originalAmerican flag with the snake on it? What was written on it? Oh yeah, "DON'T TREAD ON ME".
Next time, I'll explain what the purpose of the government used to be.
I'm Dr. Calamity, and I approve this message