Sunday, February 22, 2009

NARAL and RAHPP and Hussein....

The Federal Government, those wacky scamps, are at it again.... They are now placing on the floor a move to eliminate any restrictions whatsoever on abortion.

Obama lied and children died....

Remember the town hall meetings last summer? Remember how hard it was for John McCain to answer the question "When does life begin?"? He came back IMMEDIATELY with "At conception". He didn't hesitate, think what his advisers would say, or consult his list of supporter's political agendas.... he answered form the heart. He answered from the brain. He spoke what he knew to be true.

Obama stumbled and thought about it, reflected on his NOW constituency and worried how he would look if he gave an answer they would disapprove of, as opposed to one the rest of humanity would approve of, and he gave a characteristically non-committal, and yet oddly believable answer.... "That's above my pay-grade".


The man who runs the greatest country in the world, the championing of Life, Liberty and the American Way.... the Entertainment Weekly-crowned "Superstar", the Messiah, the one who will pull us out of this mess, is unable to understand what it is to be alive.

I expect little else from him as he voted three times as a Chicago politician to support late-term abortions and even the refusal to care for unborn children who somehow survived an abortion attempt. I wouldn't expect him to be consciously able to determine the origin of life.

You see in the Socialist States of America, you are guaranteed a house only if you survive those attempts to kill you before you are actually born.

And now the Federal Government, Obama's idea of "The Solution" to all of our problems.... is stepping in and trying to protect women's rights.

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking... I'm against the rights of women. I get that. But you know what, I am NOT against the rights of women to be able to determine their lives. I don't want Whoopi Goldberg to fear going back to a life of slavery (y'know how much she must have hated all that cotton picking... it practically cost her an Oscar for her very first film just thinking about the back-breaking labor she had to go through....).

But there is a fundamental truth to what Rights and Freedoms in the Old Republic meant. I have the right to disagree with you, and it ends just at the point where my fist is about to reach your jaw. You see, my rights are sacrosanct, but they are NOT absolute. They are NOT more important than your rights. And as dismal a concept as it may be to some, yours aren't more important than mine.

Do you know what the funny thing is about liberals? They can't wait to put a human face on the tragedy of American's who die in service to their country. I'm talking about the men and woman who go overseas and place their lives in harm's way to protect sacred and venerable values that at least a handful of other administrations, and the founding fathers of this country, believed in. When I realize that my father went to war to join the fight to stop Hitler, and that in his day we spilled our blood so our brothers in Europe could live free, I am proud of that. When ,y nephew talks casually about Iraqis shooting RPGs down alleyways at his convoy I know he felt he was there for a reason.

Liberals can comfortably kill babies. Babies, at least the unborn kind, don't have faces. They don't have smiles and they don't have a personality. That's why they don't have life yet. They are connected up to the mother. It is the woman who must endure all that work and provide all that sustenance at the cost of her own convenience. Why should it be wrong to punish those little leaches?

Sixteen years ago I learned my wife was pregnant. So, it seems, did she. My initial reaction was to walk away from her for about half an hour and just sit down in the bedroom and think. I worried about what kind of father I would be, what changes would happen in my life, how I could afford to have a child, and what kind of a world was I bringing a baby into anyhow?

Now that he is here, and he has formed his own political opinions and his own belief system, I know that he stands ready to support the fight for what is right, not the fight for what is expedient. He no more accepts abortion than he does gangland slayings.

By the time of the next presidential election he will be another voice for taking back America.

Not once... NOT ONCE!!!!! Did it ever occur to me to suggest terminating the pregnancy. I am not well off (I even fall below Hussein's radar for income levels to target....) I am not interested in keeping women barefoot and pregnant, nor am I interested in forcing women to give birth.

Contact your Governors and your Senators and your Congress-asses, and tell them if they still want a job in a few years, to stop this move. Tell them that, to borrow a Hussein-ism, "I am my brother's keeper" (gee, I wonder where he got THAT line from, and what the authors would think of this stance....). And I choose to keep my brother around.

The taking of life is not a choice if you happen to be the one whose life is being taken. Please, bestow upon the unborn the same rights these retards would bestow upon convicted criminals, and remove their death sentences and let them live. You never know, they may just turn out to be not such bad folk after all.

I'm Dr. Calamity, and I approve this message.

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