Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Global Warming rages on, and the stupid keeps getting stupider....

Worried about the rise in ocean temperatures? Worried that the world is burning up and there won't be anything left to tax if we don't act now, and act fiercely to stem this tide of desolation?

Well then chew on THIS piece of stupidity from who else... that's right... Yahoo! Associated Press... their motto: If it's retarded we'll report it....

I caught this interesting news article about a middle eastern dust storm so immense it was photographed from space. Y'know, a compelling human interest story about something that is uncommon here in the states, but very common in the mideast.

But you have to go to the mid-way point of the story to get to the meat of the subject....

Yup, it turns out that global warming in the form of ocean temperatures rising, is being caused by (get this...) a lessening of dust storms and a lessening of volcanic eruptions.

I couldn't make this crap up if I tried.

So what AP is dutifully reporting is that we can save our planet by triggering more volcanoes and by flooding the atmosphere with tons of bacteria-filled (their thing, not mine...) dust and sand from the deserts.

Now my science may be lacking here, but I was under the impression volcanic eruptions introduce tons and tons of carbon into the atmosphere which was... I've been told... the problem.

Maybe it's because man has nothing to do with them that it's all okay, but you know, it gets very frustrating trying to understand these things.

So if we were to drive a Dodge Volcano to work, even though it was terrible for the ecology, we could go ahead and claim how we were helping the oceans stay cool.

I need a Pamprin...

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message....

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