Sunday, July 5, 2009

The masterful Joe Biden on the state of things...

In this ABC News interview between George Stephanopolis and the highest-ranking known bona fide US-born political official Joe Biden opens up on his feelings about the resignation of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Now let me be clear about this, I LIKE Joe Biden. I like that he's hopeless non-sensical and mind-bogglingly stupid. He's fun that way. Does that make me seem biased?

I kind of thought so.

But listen to this guy and tell me what you think. In one portion of the interview, he talks about how the hussein administration misread the economy, how 9.5% unemployment is completely and totally bad, how the administration is still complaining that they inherited this mess, and how the stimulus package is working just swell and the administration is doing a wonderful job managing the economy.


And then at the end of the piece he goes on to discuss Sarah Palin, and George asks him point-blank, does Joe believe that Sarah was the target of a smear campaign? Naturally Joe says no, that's not the case. But then he goes on to say that he respects her and he has to take her at her word that there is a portion of personal element to her decision to step down.


Does he take her at her word or does he think she's a loon?

This is what I love about the man. He can be truly counted on to Dan-Quayle the place up and confuse things something fierce. His words string together in what might "sound" rational, but they link up in ways which make no meaningful sense.

So to sum up from his interview:

Economy - badly misread.
Unemployment - staggeringly high and greater than expected
Stimulus Package - not doing its job yet, but working wonderfully
Sarah Palin - paranoid but respected. She's a liar, and he respects her.

He's a joy to behold, isn't he?

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message...

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