Friday, July 24, 2009

It was about race all along... Stoopid cops!!! (UPDATED)

Stoopid, stoopid Cambridge police officers!!!

What the hell were they thinking responding to a call of a man (black OR white...) breaking into the house of a Harvard Professor who was known to have been out of town?

And even worse, how egregious they must have been for not being particularly happy to find a belligerent man screaming racism while refusing to identify himself inside that house.

And then to top it all off they had the gall to have him arrested for disturbing the peace when he made a big deal about how he was a black man in America and upsetting the neighborhood.

And typical of life under the hussein regime, who does our commander-in-chief side with? The jackass goes off and calls the police stupid!

In every telling of the events by the media there is zero description of inappropriate behavior. However what DOES emerge is a picture of a black man with a chip on his shoulder the size of... well... Belgium... who is SUPPOSED to be a well-educated man, but can't have the presence of mind to cooperate with the police when they are trying to secure HIS property.

*** UPDATE*** As reported HERE president hussein once again speaks about how he could have said things differently, but refused to apologize for his words, instead trying to gloss over the whole thing by retardedly commending BOTH parties in the incident for being so upstanding about their behavior.

Apparently... and this is a leader of the free world, the highest elected official in the world, and the man to whom we are supposed to be attributing our noblest aspects from speaking ... in other words, the man who embodies what america is supposed to be all about.

And he believes refusing to cooperate with the police when simple obeyance of the law could have prevented ANY escalation of the incident characterizes Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as one of "...two good people in a circumstance in which neither of them were able to resolve the incident in the way in which it should have been resolved.". You have to remember, this is the man who threw his grandmother under the bus when she became politically undesirable a year earlier. His understanding of character leaves a tremendous amount to be desired.

****END UPDATE ***

Was it about racism? Damn right it was!! It was about how the black man is eager to get revenge on the white man!

Now don't get me wrong, I am in complete agreement with the idea that racism is a real issue in America, and while I have no concern for hussein's skin color (my vitriol is for something far more important, his hatred of Americans...) he is at the epicenter of a fundamental shift in racial tensions of which this idiot Harvard Prof. is only a symptom.

As I have mentioned, I recently sat on Grand Jury and the larger percentage of cases I heard involved people of color. This is not to say that people of color are the only troublemakers, but the one thing that I walked away with was that the willingness to commit crimes specifically directed against other people was demonstrated with far greater alacrity from people of color, and that crimes that were more individual in nature (i.e, DWIs, and so forth...) tended to be toward Caucasians.

hussein made the specific point in his jackass statement that traditionally a great disparage exists in the number of arrests of blacks compared to whites. In my tiny little month-long window into my local community I heard stories of home invasions, gang activities, savage stabbings and beatings that have left people permanently disabled, shaken to the core, and fearful. The perpetrators were almost always black.

My point is that perhaps the stereotype of the black as criminal might be better served if, as Bill Cosby suggests, black people stop crying racism and start building up their lives and striving for better. The ONLY way to stop this cycle is for people to take individual responsibility for their actions and start to encourage the English language as a native tongue, as opposed to ghetto-speak, and for learning to be encouraged over the quick and easy thrill of scoring a crack-deal.

Unfortunately, in this hussein-led country, big government is who is supposed to solve everything, so we are being told to just lay therein our own filth and reach our hands up to the great big teat of government until it tires of our cries and feeds us.

Sorry, that's not America.

And every day, in every way, retard president hussein showed us who he is and what he is... particularly when he jumps on the "black victim" bandwagon and tells America that our law enforcement officers are stupid.

This kind of irresponsible and racist leadership shouldn't be tolerated in our world, but nowadays being a loyal citizen is the new "black".

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

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