Thursday, May 21, 2009

president hussein's first debate with a real Conservative...

As evidenced in this interesting article president hussein has never had a real debate with a real right-wing opponent, someone who won't be bullied or belittled.

The subject: Closing Gitmo and restoring America's stance against torture.

The opponent: Vice President Dick Cheney, who has taken flack for a little too long from the new administration.

hussein takes the stance that by using enhanced interrogation techniques which were illegal, we generated a whole host of terrorists who otherwise would have loved America. The theory being that if we treat the bad guys significantly better than they would treat our men and women under similar circumstances then the Terrorists would all have gone "Awww jeez, I feel kinda stupid, y'know... just hating America like that. I'm gonna go hug my daughter and raise a flower garden instead.".

It could happen. You never know.

Cheney takes the stance that in the same way that police hard line question criminals in order to gain information to save lives, enhanced interrogation techniques have actively saved lives. And THAT is the goal, not worrying about the rights of those who would kill us.

On the surface hussein is the winner. Afterall, who's NOT for making friends.

But that surface is molecule-thin and impressively unrealistic.

The interrogation techniques were duly vetted and approved, much more so in fact than hussein's eligibility to the office of President of the United States (but then, what hasn't been if you think about it....).

On the issue of whether or not Gitmo created terrorists, this is just sophistry designed to get us to feel guilty. The idea that one would love America and then suddenly become violently enraged over a penal system that has affected a handful of terrorists is frankly idiotic and childish. Terrorists come from a deep-seated hatred born from years of indoctrination.

Apparently, as with so many other things, president hussein was never briefed about the role of the U.S. President.


Not to be loved.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

1 comment:

  1. The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 32 This post is a suggested read at,
