Thursday, June 25, 2009

Climate change you can believe in....

president hussein has been hard at work feverishly trying to press through one of his many efforts to f**k America up, the Climate Change bill.

You remember the plan... that's right... the sensible one... the one where America eliminates every inexpensive and functioning power source we rely on in favor of mystical voodoo from God only knows where.

This is the equivalent of a Doctor finding out his patient has a high cholesterol count so he treats the patient by draining his blood and replacing it with a mixture of milk and honey. Sure the intentions are good, but the existing infrastructure just isn't gonna pump milk and honey.

In this Yahoo!AP report, Republican claims that this bill will destroy jobs are countered with the sage wisdom of both hussein and dragon lady pelosi... to wit...

Republicans: crippling taxes for vital fuels will strangle American workers' budgets, raise prices on the resources themselves, and force the industries working in those fields to pay out punitive fees for just being in business.

hussein: No it won't.

Okay, I'm sold. With logic like that I can't help but be convinced that president hussein has our best interests at heart.

And let's not forget the sage and well-laid-out plan dragon lady has for us: "It'll create millions of new jobs."

Does she get paid based upon specificity?

Now let's take a look at American exceptionalism. When this was still a nation of thinkers and not dunces, we would work together to overcome legitimate obstacles and we would work long and hard and become incredibly innovative when we were faced with very real, very legitimate problems to solve.

The Japanese have decimated our naval forces in the Pacific in World War II? One aircraft carrier, a host of brave submarines and destroyers, and the guts of the finest fighting forces in the world would turn the tide and kick Nip hinder until the US Industrial complex could knock out more aircraft carriers, and the trained men to run them.

But you see, therein lies the problem. We are NOT facing a real challenge. There is not a real timetable, and the threat of Global Warming (now called climate change to account for the myriad masses of data piling up to support the intelligent viewpoint that the planet ISN'T F**king warming up....) are just smoke screens to get us frightened into action or inaction. We are NOT banding together to overcome these odds because the only thing odd about them is the credibility with which these people seem to believe they have.

This bill will harm yet another crucial sector of the American Marketplace, and one in which so many other elements operate with.

I sure hope those retarded baboons that voted for president hussein are happy. In a few short months he's tearing down what real Americans took years to build. But that's unfortunately the truth. Yes, hussein appears to be accomplishing a great deal. It's so much easier to destroy than to create.

Retards! Flat-out ignorant baboons! I'm losing any hope of reconciling with these slack-jawed touchy-feely types who thought this guy was a good choice.

Okay, McCain wasn't much of a choice, but just now Andy Dick would almost seem like a better choice, and he's somebody for whom I pray painful explosive diarrhea kills him.

Voted for president hussein? You're a retard.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, agreed 100%.

    "hussein: No it won't."

    With the way O reacts when someone has a differing opinion then he, it's becomes more and more apparent that he's lived a very sheltered and naive life. Having everyone agree with you, as the "boy prince" Barack doesn't really season someone all that well for leadership.

    Glad I found your blog.
