Friday, March 27, 2009

Some other avenues to challenge president hussein....

The many challenges to the legitimacy of hussein to assume the office of president have all been focused on the location and contents of his birth certificate.

The talking points are:

  • He has gone to extraordinary limits to shield his birth certificate on file in Hawaii. Hawaii acknowledges it, but refuse to share it, and it is not uncommon for such birth certificates form that time period to include babies not necessarily having been born in Hawaii.

  • He was raised in India (I believe) while a very young child shortly after his father left his mother. The mother, an American born woman, is believed not to have been old enough to convey American status to hussein. hussein's father is of course dual citizenship... The United Kingdom and Kenya.

  • hussein is known to have travelled to Pakistan in the 1980s. Searches for his passport have turned up empty-handed.

  • hussein's college records are similarly shielded from prying eyes.
I'm kind of curious about something. Let's assume hussein IS under his father's dual-citizenship status, then shouldn't the UK or Kenya have some documentation on him? Shouldn't there be a search in other countries for his paperwork? Countries for which it's possible that the Fu Manchu-like tentacles of our president can not reach as easily?

Understand that so much attention is being focused on his birth certificate that even if we find it we will likely doubt it... and so will the other side.

The proof we need to find is hidden in the subtle... not in the obvious.

Remember, our adversary is an intelligent man. He has hung out with domestic terrorists and is very adept at covering his tracks. So we should not be expecting great things upon finding the birth certificate because it's likely no such certificate at this point would ever be accepted as genuine given that both sides covet it so much.

I hate to be a downer, but let's be realistic here. There IS proof... just not where we are looking.

Time to think global.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Yet another log for the fire....

Another short one today,

California attorney Orly Taitz who seems to have become the focal point of the numerous legal challenges against president hussein's eligibility for president, has just received another supporter.

Ex U.S. Naval officer Walter Fitzpatrick III who has spent two decades investigating military-related cover-ups has filed a motion against president hussein further challenging his actions and spelling out that the prez is guilty of Treason and conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Constitution (for which, I believe, there is no such provision or amendment in said document that actually allows this...).

The story, found HERE gives links to his own personal site and points out that despite having been charged of misappropriation of Navy funds (it's less steamy than it sounds...) he was granted an honorable discharge.

Since the act of filing a legal charge puts the potential for a significant financial strain on an individual, it would be fair to say that Mr. Fitzpatrick has some skin in the game.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Costing an arm and a leg....

In wartime soldiers are trained to understand their enemies so that they can fight against them. It helps if they are told just WHO their enemies are.

After getting tipped off that president hussein is interested in having soldiers invoiced for their war-time injury treatments THIS tidbit fell into the news. It's hair-raising, frightening, gets your anger stirred up... yes, you might even say it makes you extremely agitated.

But you see, at around 64 days in office (give or take a day...) we have already learned to understand our enemy. The terrible thing is that this is actually TOO transparent.

Or... as they say, All of this has happened before, and will happen again.

Unless we make the choice to stop it here.

So WHAT is going on? Why am I not ranting about the injustice of this soldier being billed for his medical coverage?

Because that's not where the real story is.

This is a smokescreen, a dodge, a feint....

Alright, lets just take a look at what happened with AIG the last couple of weeks.

president hussein and his prostitutes had ample foreknowledge of the executive bonuses and they used that knowledge to wait for a specific time when they could suddenly act shocked and amazed at this incredible, albeit minor horror. It worked extremely well, too.... most of America STILL wants to kill these people for their transgressions.

And what did hussein get out of this? He's pushing through with significantly greater ease the ability to take control of any banking institution and cap and limit salaries and bonuses.

How does that play into this little affair?

Well, it's already been leaked that hussein wants to charge soldiers for their war-induced medical fees. Now as much of a soldier-hater as the prez is, even he knows that this would be a terribly unpopular maneuver.

Now go back and re-read the new article...

The Veteran's Administration was notified of this and they are stepping in to cover the soldier's medical bills.

hussein ISN'T going to charge the soldiers for their medical needs... he's going to use this the way he handled AIG... set up an American serving his country's call to duty (please read Jack DeSantis's OP ED in the NY Times linked in an earlier post to understand that better...) to take the fall in one format or another for the express purpose of pressing through with much greater ease an agenda that is currently not 100% popular.... socialized medicine.

In a worst-case scenario it would fail and he could always go ahead and start charging soldiers for their medical coverage, and then he'd at least have the consolation prize of a rapidly declining enlistment rate and a much-weakened US military.

So don't get all huffy about this soldier. Like many of us he is one more victim of the president's hatred for America, and he is just being used like so much cannon fodder.

The really sad thing is that it's not even hard to imagine the plan that is being laid out for America. He wants you to be outraged... to be upset and not thinking clearly. That way he gets his way and you get.... well... gosh... I guess you get nothing.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Ed Henry on his knees....

I'll have more to say on this later, but for now, read THIS....

Okay, now it's later...

I was really planning on just letting this issue go the way of all things, but the more I thought about Ed Henry's OP-Ed the more I realized just how freaking seriously wrong this was.

Understand that, according to the piece Mr. Henry wrote, he found himself in an uncomfortable position when he was asked much earlier than he anticipated to ask a question... any question that he happened to have. He hemmed, hawed, considered, and went for broke and took the plunge and asked... THE QUESTION. Specifically, why did hussein wait so long to say anything about the AIG bonuses when he knew a few weeks in advance.

He then goes on to say he had realized he had incurred the president's ire over this, as did all of the reporters, who had an audible series of nervous chuckles (mostly, I'm guessing, thankful that it wasn't them....). I'm hoping it was sweat that darkened his pants legs....

He finishes up the piece helpfully pointing out that he is reasonably sure that president hussein is still his BFF, and that the prez understands that Ed was just doing his job.

OH MY EFFIN' LORD!!!!!!!!!!

What school of journalism does CNN scout for new talent at? Do you realize that this means that the press is scared feces-less over getting this guy upset with them. They are so desperate to be in his good graces that it's quite likely that Rahm Emmanual did NOT walk over to Ed Henry after the piece to tell him to get knee pads and start begging for HIS forgiveness. Given this level of fear, it's likely Ed actually wrote this Op Ed of his own recourse.

And CNN is so happy that he decided to write it they couldn't wait to run it.

To apologize to the president for... for... umm... doing his job.

To simplify this without my usual hyperbole, Ed Henry of CNN was so distraught that he offended the president that he wrote an apology to the president and posted it publicly. Does he say he's sorry? Not in so many words, but think about the piece and ask yourself, "What other possible reason could there be for writing that?".

I think this is what's called "Yellow Journalism". Or perhaps "Scaredy Cat Journalism". Come up with your own nick-name... it's fun.

What level of power makes CNN piss their pants for fear of offending can this man have? What threat lies over the head of the mainstream media that they are terrified of the thought of it being used against them?

I'm trying hard to do two things here... not rely on Rush Limbaugh for my talking points (I actually blogged on the AIG exec PRIOR to it being mentioned on the Rush show yesterday...) because frankly Rush doesn't need my help to spread the word... and I try to think these things through on my own, however couched in the deduction and parsing that I have learned from among others, Rush Limbaugh... so that you might find my writing either amusing, edifying, or at the very least smear-worthy.

I don't recall a time in my life when the press was afraid to challenge and ask pointed questions of our leaders. It's generally considered that once that goes the way of all things then you are no longer in a free society.

Dear Lord... that means I want CNN to succeed!

My, how the times have changed.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Okay... okay... you got me... I WAS WRONG. I confess....

It seems that I was only able to catch the speech last night in a few short increments while family life annoyingly kept interfering.

Normally the teleprompters are located a short distance in front of, and to the right and left of, president hussein. I was very surprised to see him making eye contact and when they did a couple of long-shots I was pleased to see no teleprompters.

Apparently eagle-eyed viewers who actually paid attention saw a large 52" HD monitor acting as the teleprompter, and that was situated so that hussein could appear to be looking into the camera while he spoke.

Now, don't get me wrong, in and of themselves teleprompters are useful tools, and I do not denigrate him from using them, excepting that it has helped to shape an image of a man unable to make eye-contact with his victi... I mean constituents.

Many politicians and other public speakers have used them before, it's just that they are not relied on to the degree that this guy does. As if his entire life is scripted hours before he lives it.

Anyhow, I am sorry I was wrong. I'm more sorry he was elected, but mostly here I'm sorry I was wrong.

I don't want to belabor this point anyhow because it's pretty well-worn territory on Rush Limbaugh, but if I make a mistake I feel honor-bound to own up to it.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

So how much DID the AIG exec get paid?

I'm pretty much pleased that my defense of the AIG executives was so strong. I was NOT let down on the issue by those people who were most appropriately placed to know the story....

Resigning AIG Executive Jake DeSantis wrote in the NY TIMES of his own position in AIG, and how horribly betrayed he was by the media,the Government and the Edward Liddy, CEO of AIG.

As you read first that he was paid only $1.00 to work hard hours in the process of dismantling AIG on the basis of the legal contract with the company for a retention bonus of approx. $750,000.00.

So now, after a year of hard work he is being compensated $1.00.

One effin dollar!

He's agreed to keep his bonus, but donate the balance after taxes to charity.

My friends, this is what is called AN AMERICAN HERO.

To read his story is to see the true face of our government as they strive to tell us how they care about us.

Mr. DeSantis, I know you will find worthwhile employment in another job soon. Such men as you are highly praised for your loyalty and sense of civic responsibility.

Ever consider a run for president?

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

A very telling Q & A....

president hussein continues to amaze with his persistent wackiness in front of the camera. During Tuesday night's 3/24/09 press conference to sell the public on his plans to save the economy, he allowed a Q & A session and ran afoul of CNN reporter Ed Henry who, somewhat mistakenly, did his job.

Read HERE for the full story.

It's really telling that what was probably the single most important and news-worthy moment of the evening is being tossed aside in the Yahoo! "The Buzz" segment as if it were just another candid and sardonic laughing fit over the state of the economy, or perhaps another humorous jab at those pesky Special Education kids.

I know, you think I'm being unfair about the guy. After all, those instances were designed to be rare glimpses into the humanity and same-ness of the man with us mere mortals.

But take careful note of the answer that hussein gave Mr. Henry. He likes to know what he's talking about before he speaks.

Instance 1) The special ed kids/Leno remark: I'm actually going to go easy on hussein here because I believe he was not trying to be insulting, but rather self-deprecating and it backfired. Anyone could have made that gaffe and it is not really more than a minor moment, one in which spontaneity probably overshot common sense.

Instance 2) The 60 Minutes interview: The idea that this was intended to convey his sense of disbelief at where his life had taken him is vastly overshadowed by the understanding that he was on 60 Minutes. 60 Minutes is where you go to import character and wisdom, and to assure people you are in control. It is not where you go to laugh about a situation that is apparently so dire it requires you to forestall civil liberties and harass private citizens for having made a decent living.

Instance 3) The Ed Henry question: To suggest that hussein was unaware that people KNEW by this point that he had fore-knowledge of the AIG bonuses is to suggest that he has zero concept of what's going on around him. Clearly one of the few charges you CAN'T level against the man is that he is uninvolved. His goals may not be your goals, his motivations may be completely altruistic, even though they have all the appearance of being wrapped in a veil of sinister origins, but president hussein is fully aware of his actions and what he is doing.

So when he feigns anger over this question it can only be summed up as a broader warning to other reporters not to ask questions that come too close to the truth with him. Note the air of nervousness around the room that the news article mentions? Since when has the press ever felt "nervous" for having asked probing, insightful questions in the past?

hussein's answer also tells a tremendous tale. He admits, in replying the way that he did, that he WAS fully aware of the bonuses well before he expressed public outrage. The consequences of this are significant. It means the following:

1) The "outrage" he expressed was not the momentary stun of learning that these guys did WHAT? And that they used WHO's money to do it? No. That argument doesn't fly unless you are USING that outrage to affect an outcome.

2) The hullabaloo over the AIG bonuses becomes increasingly more suspect since, with both the president and congress's blessings, private citizens were threatened with illegal and summary punishment including the significant threat of 90% taxation*.

3) The outrage that was sparked, the angry protestations, editorials, man-in-the-street arguments, et al, and most importantly the president all failed to point out one very crucial factor in this woeful moment in American History: The AIG execs did not break the law. They didn't even bend it slightly, or even so much as bruise it.

Child rapists do not get this kind of public backlash.

4) president hussein's agreeing that he should have the power to assume control over ALL banking institutions to prevent this sort of outrageous legal activity from happening again now seems more and more like the ultimate goal of publicly humiliating these private citizens.

* on the flip side of the coin, I am somewhat disappointed with the AIG executes that received these retention bonuses on one point: Had I been one of those execs I would have insisted that I receive the bonus. ESPECIALLY under the threat from the Federal Government of 90% taxation. One of two events would occur, either the Government would back down for fear of risking public backlash, or they would go ahead and do this, and then they could be sued in an embarrassing and overtly public lawsuit. It would be easy to make one or two public statements including pointing out that no law is being broken, and then suddenly America asks the real question:

If no law was broken, WHY are we punishing these guys?

You'll have to ask president hussein. Whenever he gets around to answering at least you'll have the comfort of knowing that he knows what he's talking about.

(by the way, special note of interest: I'm not sure how he did it, but did anyone else notice that there were no teleprompters in sight, and he actually looked into the camera when he spoke? president hussein IS paying attention to his critics. So keep those words coming, America... they DO have an impact.)

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Finally, a way to stop the violence....

It's a distraction tactic, but at least it's an amusing one. is addressing the means to end violence that has killed thousands in the Mexican Drug Wars, and in typical fashion, the solution that is provided in this editorial piece is just plain WRONG.

The only logical approach to solve the problem of Mexican drug killings, according to this article is NOT to do anything that will rein in, control, or stop the killers... in fact it is positively a helping hand... why, legalization, of course.

Not that I am tolerant of the idea, but we're not even talking legalizing Marijuana here... we are talking about ALL DRUGS. It seems that the civil rights of these poor souls in Mexico are being trampled because they can not make an honest living selling death to children. Any attempt, in fact, to make it harder for them to do this is tantamount to law enforcement condemning thousands to their horrible deaths.

It's kind of funny how people who are so vicious and inhuman that they have a profession called "cocktail mixer" in which some poor schlep mixes various acids in order to melt down the bodies of victims so they will never be found, should be considered as somehow victims of a heartless civilization.

I'm not in the mood to pontificate on this one beyond this. Or to put it another way, if you read the CNN piece and you think this Harvard Professor (naturally...) is correct, I respectfully submit that you should move down to Mexico City and show your support for their cause by "having some skin in the game".

Anyhow, as I said, this is just a distraction, and only worthy of being included because it's so asinine it's funny.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Not learning his lesson, is he?

president hussein appeared on CBS's 60 minutes to answer questions about his first few months in office. He had some interesting things to say. I'm liking THIS ONE.

His has been a presidency which has rushed to accomplish change in such a rapid pace that in just 60 days it's a given any new decision he makes is bound to have weeks of second-guessing and significant repercussions attached to it.

His approach of trying to craft "feel good about ourselves" legislation like closing Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has resulted in the "unintended" consequence of returning terrorists to cheering reunions with their organization, as heroes who have faced the wrath of the socialist states of america and survived.

This is typical of a man who pushes criminally wasteful financial bills through congress so fast that it only takes a month for the AIG Bonus repercussion to bitch-slap him in the face.

Although, for a change, this is NOT unanticipated... it was actually telegraphed in his campaign. Remember that he was such a good judge of character he was even disowning his own grandmother during his bid for presidency. Apparently he had misjudged anybody with whom he had an association with.

By the way, hussein did demonstrate a little bit of understanding of the nature of irony. To give him his credit, he DID in the same interview state that he would not endures legislation to tax specific individuals over the bonuses. But as I already reported, he's instead going to make sure EVERYONE suffers.

I told you, nothing sticks to this guy. He is expert at making himself look good even when he is f**king over his own country (I'm sorry... I erred... I mean to say "the US of A.... after all we have no idea WHICH country actually IS his...).

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A faith-based economy...

I think my favorite line is the very last one, about Joe Biden and the cutting of the Federal Deficit in half by the end of the first hussein term.

WHY is that so very funny? You've got to have a gallows-humor when dealing with the near endless onslaught of news reports like THIS ONE.

This is another case of me trying to stop blogging and foolishly looking at the news reports one more time. It's late and I want to go to bed, but how do you pass up on one of these beauties? I mean, really?

To hear hussein promoting his budget plan to the willing idiots who voted him into office you naturally expect him to be more upbeat and positive about things. Even I am not so cynical as to think he would craft a plan to pass through and then take a good, long honest look at its chances and then say... "Y'know... for the good of the people I am in service to, I'd better tell Congress to cool its jets while I go back and work out the pork from this.".

But to hear White House Council of Economic Advisers Christina Romer blatantly laugh off suspicions about the sea-worthiness of the budget and then toss up her pompoms and say how neato-keen the budget is, is frankly offensive. She dismisses legitimate concerns and then replies how all these projections (most of which are significantly worse than the White Houses' own projections for success....) are unreliable, and then has the grapes to say how incredibly confident she is in them.

Had she been talking about the Buffalo Bills and their shot at the Super Bowl I'd have had more support for her.

Had she been more realistic, like for instance an unborn baby's chances of a healthy long life following a failed late-term abortion in an Obama-dominated Country... I might have felt something akin to relief.

But she didn't. She just smiled and told us it was all gonna be alright, and why would we even think to question her in the first place?

Well, the timeline is now pretty much set... and one thing you need to realize about president hussein, he DOES NOT bandy about timelines meaninglessly. He uses that kind of information the way Osama Bin Laden imparts instructions to sleeper cells in foreign countries...

The timeline for measurable increase in the economy's health is the end of 2009. Why then? So that president hussein can ensure the 2010 senate and congressional election victories for the Democrat party. THIS IS THE GOAL.

Remember the Democrats used Housing reform to send our economy tailspinning into a disaster right at the end of the longest campaign trail in US history and swung valuable votes away from Democrat contender John McCain (Republican in sheep's clothing) simply to ensure a Democrat power base. So now they plan to use the economy to further their own freedom-crushing plans to maintain their powerbase.

I'm gonna be fair here and point out that I'm proposing that he CAN restore the economy. I'm not saying he WILL, nor am I confident he will. But I think he either CAN or he THINKS HE CAN, and is using that to make the Republicans look bad.

In any event, I am convinced that he is toying with the economy for unholy and illegal purposes.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

But it doesn't even mention Ma and Pa Kent....

From the biographical information on the White House' official website...

(apologies, I know it's an unsavory site, but sometimes you just gotta go where the story takes you...)

Barack Hussein Obama, His story is the American Story....

Values from the Heartland? A middle-class upbringing in a strong family? Using hard work and education to get ahead?

I must have suffered form some sort of mind-altering head wound or something, because this is NOT the president hussein I know.The president hussein I know had this kind of start in life...

1) The product of a broken marriage between a multiple-times absentee father of dual citizenship (neither of which was American...) and a VERY young Kansas woman. That sound like a strong family life to you?

2) That hard work must have paid off, and so did the education, because it enabled him to make enough money to become addicted to Cocaine. It's been a while since I've been to Kansas, but I'm pretty sure that's not the State Flower.

This one's a short one... I just couldn't help but pass this little bit of fiction to you from the author of the funniest bit of legislation to ever bankrupt a major superpower.

I'm Dr.Calamity, and I approve this message.

There are many copies, and they have a plan....

Click HERE for some fun reading....

Yup, I just now figured out how to hyperlink... it's easier than I thought, but not well identified.

Anyhow, that's not the important part of this message....

According to the New York Times, normally attributed for their left-leaning news articles, president hussein is moving in the chilling direction of controlling salaries at ALL of the major banking institutions WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVE ASKED FOR. OR RECEIVED BAILOUT MONEY.

The concept is that there are other banks out there that are in a position to cause harm to the financial system, and so therefore they may some day come knocking at the government's door to request help. The prez is too busy looking cool on Leno to get caught in another "embarrassing" scandal, so rather than risk looking bad, he's gonna solve the problem in advance.

Okay, the reality is actually a bit more sinister. Face it, Faust doesn't care if you think he looks bad or is embarrassed. He's Teflon, and so far nothing... NOTHING has been able to stick against this guy. He'd be a fool not to press an advantage while he still can... And the media is working overtime to give him his advantages...

Because he's been able to whip all of america up into a loathsome 1930s era torch-wielding mob far uglier than the monster they want to destroy (remember that Frankenstein's creation was actually a gentle soul who was tormented and forced to be the monster he looked like... the parallels are immeasurable to AIG here....) president hussein is now able to enact legislation that will PREVENT further such high salaries or bonuses.

And as this will be an industry-wide move, it will remove the concept of the government singling out individuals to drastically over-tax, so it will be heralded as a bold and brave move to make the world a safer place.

Now re-read my previous post and think HOW MUCH MONEY will have been saved, and whether or not that 1/56666.67th of the budget would have done squat to prevent the fall of AIG.

president hussein's larger plan is beginning to unfold. Joe The Plumber was right to ask the question he did... Why does this man want to harm him and prevent him from succeeding? Notice that Joe never got a real answer... it's because the honest answer would have cost him the election... although maybe not, given the sheer number of flat-out village idiots who voted in this last election.

The serpent-tongued one is making moves to consolidate his power-base by controlling ALL currency lending organizations..... this is not how America was designed to work. This is the kind of move that might have played out appropriately in 1937 Germany.

We want so much to remember what America stands for. To remember that this was a government created to facilitate the people, not control them. That it stems from the best dreams of the better selves of the legitimate immigrants who came here with one goal... a better life. That better life is not a soul-draining servitude to unions and leftist agendas. It is the OPPORTUNITY to build a business up free of excess interference... and to make a good living, and to give our children a better life than we have.

In the new world order we must now make the painful decision to raise our children to fight this system, and to not trust these people. And because we have the shared dream of the nation's founding fathers we are a greater threat to the country now than Adolf Hitler.... At least HE believed in abortion.

Send this message out to all who can hear it... send the link from the NY Times to your Senators and Congressmen and Women. Be they Democrat, Sell-out Republican or Real Conservative, let them know how you feel. Let them know that they are supporting a man who regards himself as synonymous with the great leaders of History, Lincoln, Kennedy, Bush the elder, Hitler....

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Getting your hate on...

I probably should have checked on Valu's stocks this morning. With media's rampant reporting, and the toadying local governments doing NOTHING to quell the anger, I suspect sales of pitchforks and torches are pretty brisk.

President hussein's campaign to create Gestapo-esque fear in the lives of those who were supposed to get million dollar bonuses has succeeded all too well. In private conversations I've had with people I normally regard as intelligent, their attitude is how horrible these people are, and how right it is for the government to tax them.

After all, it IS our money, right?

You see, this is where things get kind of sticky. It ISN'T our money. The MOMENT the U.S. Government consigned it to AIG it became their money. And this particular set of dollar bills was ear-marked for these bonuses well in advance of the aid that was received, and was a known entity.

But, as I had mentioned before, president hussein is nothing if not a Faustian contract with the Devil himself... giving with one hand whilst taking with another... and he GAVE to AIG, but then TOOK from the people who had every reason to believe they had these bonuses coming.

I've had wholesale arguments with friends n this point. Arguments about how terrible these people are for taking this money... how terrible these people are for awarding these bonuses.

I couldn't figure it out until I realized what the problem really was....

The average layperson does not comprehend One Billion Dollars. It's a non-sequiter to us... we never expect to see that much money in our lives, and so bandying about the phrase "$170 Billion Dollars" is an exercise in meaninglessness.

Think I'm wrong?

Now picture this... "One Hundred Sixty five Million Dollars". We hear these terms in weekly news... a particularly successful feature film makes roughly that amount of money in a worldwide gross. Many films earn even more.

"Batman: The Dark Knight" earned the coveted "One Billion Dollar" mark and nobody batted an eye (no pun intended....).

So if someone gets a $3,000,000.00 bonus, that's criminal. Why? Because we can understand it.

Do yourselves a favor and go open up Microsoft Excel and write out the numbers "170,000,000,000.00" and "3,000,000.00" and divide one into the other. I'd suggest you do it on a calculator, but get this... most calculators DON'T go to $1,000,000,000.00.

Okay, now class, put down your pencils... Do you have the answer?

That's right... If you divide $3 million into $170 Billion you get 56,666.67 for an answer.

What does that mean?

That means that 3 million times 56,666.67 is equal to 170 billion.

It's kind of like having an avalanche of dirt fall on you, and you getting mad at a handful of soil.

THAT is the kind of waste we are looking at.

A handful of soil.

Never mind the huge mountain of dirt next to it. THAT can't be important.

Back in his late February address, president hussein said we must not govern based upon the passions of the moment, or govern in hate. Yet here he is, two weeks later, doing just that.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A brief factoid about the danger in Iraq...

Anyone who pays attention to the descriptions the liberals have laid out regarding what life in Iraq is like have heard that it is a dangerous, dangerous place to be. You could be shot to death at any time.

It's a savage land ruled by gun play and social horrors.

Did you know that, according to the Australian Shooter Magazine "...
there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers."

By contrast, the same article also points out, for the layman,
"The firearm death rate in Washington , DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 per cent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US , than you are in Iraq.

Conclusion? The US should pull out of Washington."

Damn, I really wish I'd written that last line myself!

(special thanks to Cdn. Connie Heideman for passing this along...)

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Just in case you missed the point, energy is bad for you....

Because we've been distracted for far too long on frivolous topics like the zombie-assault on capitalism, our way of life, the American dream, America itself, anything resembling common sense coming out of Capital Hill, and the debate over whether or not lynching should be allowed in the socialist states of america (i.e, bonuses to people who worked based upon contracts saying they would get bonuses...) the much more traditional enemy of rational thought, the environmentalist, has come up with this wacky little reminder.

If you've taken the time to plop into the link up above you would see that energy production is killing birds... And the survey this is being laid out with is lent scientific gravitas by the 40 year length of time that has been taken to compile the information necessary for the final analysis...

Which, by the way...

(are you sitting down for this?)

Energy production of all kinds is depleting the bird population significantly, so therefore the hussein administration needs to think extremely carefully before using any public lands for ANY kind of energy, including what was once thought of as clean, renewable energy.

In case you missed the subtle aspects of that, let me simplify it further...

By the terms of this news article, the ONLY resolution to this problem is for every man, woman, child and unborn fetus to go down to Jonestown and drink a dixie-cup of grape Kool-aid.

Yeah... coal? Harmful. Oil? Harmful. Wind? Harmful. Nuclear? Harmful. Water-driven turbines? Harmful. Solar energy? Harmful. Carb-free Monster Drink? Harmful. Hamsters on Treadmills? Not only harmful but actually carcinogenic at the same time.

Republican Senator Charles Grassley must be in his extremely satisfied place to know that All Americans should go and kill themselves. It's not only politically expedient, but it's good for the Yellow-breasted Sap-sucker.

On a more or less intelligent note (I'm at least hoping...) rational thought might bring up a few questions from this article. To wit:

1) HOW is energy production killing birds?

2) Which energy production is more significantly a threat and why?

3) Who conducted this research, and was their third-grade homeroom teacher providing "strict government oversite?"?

4) Back in the 1960s was energy production being considered as a relevant factor in the bird population?

5) Back in the 1960s was the bird population itself a considered at threat, and why?

6) What was the scope of this investigation? It sounds like it must have been a massive undertaking since it specifies that Birds in Hawaii are at far greater risk of developing a bad case of the heebee jeebees than those in Bangor, Maine (where, to be honest, the Stephen King population is doing far worse to the birds...).

7) Who funded the research?

8) Who is making these conclusions? Real scientists or Thetans?

9) As the decline in bird-population is soooo alarming that a halt to new energy production is the only conclusion, why has it taken 40 years for anyone to hear a (ahem.....) peep about this?

10) What is the corresponding (and scientifically required) data for the same information in other parts of the world which have differing climate and socio-political aspects to consider, like? For instance, China, which violates clean-air rules as a matter of governmental policy, features in their daily menus birds' nest soup? Is that because they can no longer find enough birds to make bird soup?

11) For something as staggeringly significant as this is there a database laid out where all Americans can see the evidence for themselves? Or is this along the lines of the declining polar bear population that had so ripped the hearts of the World Wrestling Entertainers a year or two ago?

Y'see, people... this is what I'm talking about on the whole social engineering thing. One little article which basically states mankind is evil, without a single fact, figure or scientific method to back it up, and we're not only expected to take it seriously, but to downright feel horrible about ourselves over it.

Nice try Herr Gore, but you can't pull the feathers over our eyes on this. After all, we're not complete bird-brains.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So nutty it just might work....

Those of you with long memories can recall that waaaaay back in February when president hussein signed the stimulant bill he had a little-known provision to have his pet-project and erstwhile Nazi ZZ division group Acorn, the voter registration unit that has had State and Federal indictments drawn against them for voter registration fraud awarded $4 Billion.

In light of the impending amnesty for illegal aliens, this means that the people at Acorn, and in fact the Democrat party, can be expected to have wet mattresses for the foreseeable future.

Y'see, Acorn NEEDS those funds... they're going to HAVE to have that money if they are expected to help the united states census bureau count "accurately" all of that information.

Why, you ask, would the census bureau people need their help? Well, with the extra 20,000,000 new voters that president hussein is looking to create (and, by the way, to unionize them....) it's gonna take a concerted effort to make sure that all of those people register democrat.

The two things to bear in mind here are the following:

1) When you receive your census bureau do you intend to fill it out accurately?

2) If given the opportunity to hire a pardoned illegal alien, would YOU hire that person?

These are important questions.

With Acorn involved, and their well-documented bias toward the Democratic party, their influence on the census means that you have to wonder exactly how they will alter what you put down on those forms. Do you want to identify yourself as a Conservative or a Republican? Will that put your future dealings with government at ANY level in jeopardy? Will they change the statistics from the numbers you give them to meet their expectations?

This government has targeted private individuals using government-gathered information. Remember, Joe The Plumber was investigated by the Democratic party using state of Ohio records so his reputation could be ruined. And that was because he asked a question... a single question.

And on the flip-side, as class-envy is all the rage in the socialist states of america, when it comes time to hire a pardoned illegal alien, how would you feel about it? Would you look at someone you have reason to suspect may not have entered the country legally, and you have to question what other laws they are willing to break.

I am involved in the hiring and firing of my company's employees. I don't particularly care for that part of the job, yet it IS what I get a paycheck for, so I do my best. I had to fire two people (one for theft, the other for obscene levels of incompetence...) in the past month, and I am sifting through resumes right now. I can tell you, I consider illegal aliens to be criminals. I WILL discriminate on the basis of their past criminal behavior, pardoned or not. I make no apologies for it, and I will defend the decision all the way into court if it should come up.

I am not engaging in class-envy here. I do not want to stand in the way of these people that will likely get pardoned shortly, as they seek a better life. I can not however reconcile the moral dilemma of protecting my boss's company with the democrat need to ruin our society in ever increasing chunks of our country's foundation.

So when the census form shows up, please, please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEAAAASEEE think carefully and ask yourself what the consequences will be.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When is an oath not an oath?

House Speaker nancy pelosi, who was sworn into office with the specific tenet that she avows she would uphold and defend the laws of the united states of america, is just so wacky that she can't resist flaunting her violation of that oath. According to Fox News, "Old Ironsides" Pelosi was speaking at a Hispanic rally and made comments along the lines of how U.S. Immigration law enforcement is un-american, and how horrible it is that OUR families are being torn apart by having doors kicked down in the middle of the night and having parents ripped from their children.

O.I. Pelosi has gotten a few of the facts wrong here, folks...

1) Immigration's job, their MANDATE is to control and restrict the flow of illegal aliens into the US.
2) They generally do NOT have middle-of-the-night raids to arrest people, they do this sort of thing only in the eventuality that there is a risk of violence or some other time-sensitive necessity.
3) They are NOT our families, they are some other country's families who came here illegally and need to be held accountable.
4) People who break the law generally get torn away from their families. It's kind of why we frown on people breaking the law, because it's unsettling for the basic nuclear family.
5) Doesn't she realize that traditional demo-Liberalistic theology is designed to tear apart the nuclear family anyhow? Not only is she screwing over America, but she's screwing over her own religious beliefs in the process.

I'm not fond of the many moral issues that are caused by families being raised by illegal aliens (they are illegal aliens, NOT illegal immigrants.... "Illegal immigrants" is an oxymoron...). Their sheer numbers in the range of 20,000,000 make them a logistical nightmare. We can neither afford to ignore their existence, nor legitimize them, as either will lead to terrible things.

Let's get this straight... while there are many innocents involved in this, I still feel no significant pity for the people who came over here knowing they were doing so illegally. This country, while currently on the downward slide, has significant merit. There SHOULD be some effort extolled on the behalf of these american-wannabes to get in to the country.

I don't know... maybe I'm just a middle-aged white guy in a traditional marriage (as Meriam-Webster USED to define it...) just trying to live the American Dream. Maybe I'm irrelevant. Perhaps I'm the joke in all of this.

Or perhaps those people are CRIMINALS.

And when they break the law it is not anti-American to enforce that law.

It IS anti-American of a primary member of the U.S. House of Representatives to casually deny that law has any meaning to her. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's actually treasonous.

So, in that at least, she's following by the Democrat playbook. Phew... I was almost scared there for a minute.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Setting aside politics for a second....

I want to address something that might make me have come across as not so sensitive and, in fact, possibly downright rude.

I have been rather free with the adjective "retarded" and the noun "retard" when referring to those rodentia who have infested our government. Contrary to what may appear to be the case, I am not insensitive to people with legitimate mental handicaps. Those people are in fact retarded as well.

Let me be clear.... in the case of legitimate mental handicapping, the word "retarded" is an accurate application, and NOT a slur on them as people. It is only the persistent political correctness that was forced on America as a prelude to far more sinister social engineering that made such a phrase an insult.

In the case of the aforementioned rodentia, the word "retarded" or "retard" or "retards" IS meant as an insult. It is meant to suggest that despite having the brains of human beings they are not utilizing the portions that distinctively elevate them to a point where they can be trusted to lead us.

I'm not entirely comfortable with undirected name-calling. I know that might sound strange, but I don't believe it is appropriate to just say someone is stupid. This is a child's game, or perhaps more accurately a Liberal's game. However I believe that the men and women who now run this country are no longer deserving of decent treatment or common courtesy. They move at a staggeringly breakneck pace to come up with new atrocities on a daily basis and parsing those atrocities becomes difficult. So therefore I seek to paint with a somewhat broader and cruder brush this group of miscreants than I might like.

On the issue of the legitimately mentally handicapped, I have known some such people at varying times in my life. I rode the school bus with Paul, who lived down the street from me. He was much older than me, but still sufficiently handicapped that he was very child-like. I later taught not one, but two young men of similar affliction in religious instructions classes. I figured as there was not much sense in expecting equivalent test scores back, I would simply talk to those young men as I did the rest of the class, and ask them the same questions, and not get upset or overly cheerful if they couldn't answer.

The grandmother of one of those young men came up to me one evening in tears of joy. Having a much closer relationship with him than I ever could, she would talk to him about what he learned in class (his parents were not supportive of religious education and so she was the one to encourage this in him...). He was not able to express what he had learned in class in a public setting due to his condition, but privately, and in the comfort-zone of his close grandmother, he excitedly spoke of all the things he learned in my class. She cried about this, because I had understood what no other teacher he had had did... All he needed was to be spoken to the exact same way as the rest of the class.

I'm not about to sit here and tell you I have superior knowledge and so therefore am above criticism. This whole exercise in criticism of our government is a sham if I can not be asked about myself, and if I can not support my own opinions or statements. So I'm not taking a holier-than-thou approach here... quite the contrary, I am begging your forgiveness.

I am begging for you to forgive me.

If you mistook my words to be hateful or hurtful toward the mentally handicapped you are owed an apology. Earnestly, and truthfully. My casual use of those words might be taken that way, and I regret that aspect of this blogging. However I can not say I will stop because I do not mean to impugn decent people who have had some disadvantages thrown at them.

On the other hand, if you are simply upset because it's gauche and not quite PC to say some hack politician is a retard, well, hold your breath for that apology.

Anytime anyone wants to ask me about myself (and I mean more seriously than the humorous bio I have... ) you can email me. So long as you stay civil I'll stay civil. So I want to make sure that it's understood, I am happy to be open about myself.

One last thing, I no longer teach religious education. The reasons are numerous. But make no mistake, I'm not a pushover or a saint, or someone who sees things from an ecumenical point of view. I'm an evil man espousing evil views about a corrupt government that needs to be taken down. I am a member of Le Resistance.

I am Dr. Calamity, and I approve of this message.

How a Faustian contract works...

president hussein is proving to be a master of sleight of hand. He manages to get us all worked up on non-issues like the bonuses and while we sharpen our pitchforks and oil up the torches he kicks back, laughs and agrees with his staff that Americans truly are stupid.

You think I disagree with him? Here are the talking points:

1) 56% of Americans voted for the retard.
2) A significant number of Americans accept the premise of global warming without question.
3) We jumped thru the hoop when he cracked the whip to have us demonize AIG... or for that matter any thing else that works in our economy.

You see, this is how a Faustian pact works (for those of you who don't know, Faust was a legendary German composer in literature who sold his soul for worldly fame...): The devil... in this case mulatto president hussein, gives to we the retards the gift of a fake enemy with which we can get all excited and feel like we are doing something important by being mad about. At the same time, the devil.... in this case mulatto president hussein, takes from us by using our own anger to improve his ratings. Also the compass is pointed unfairly in his advantage further by allowing him to do other immoralities at the same time.

Short version: The devil gives with one hand while taking with the other.

president hussein gave us extra money in our take-home paychecks effective April 1st... but at the same time he is making sure the government doesn't have to give you back as much at the end of the year... hope you weren't counting on that tax refund.

On that point, by the way, I contacted my company's payroll people and told them I did not want the change. They said that the government mandate had already updated their computers, so I would have to re-do a W4 form. In fact, the woman I spoke with HAD ALREADY DONE THAT FOR HERSELF.

When I originally asked the company president's secretary to take care of this, which is the appropriate chain of command, she asked if it was all that important. I replied to her that an unauthorized third party was making unapproved changes to my payroll and Hell Yes! It was all that important.

Of course I only solved the problem by fixing it myself....

But I digress...

The next time president hussein, who, in this instance, is the equivalent of the devil, wants you to be upset about something, ask yourself why. Ask yourself what does he want you to not know about? You can bet your slowly evaporating freedoms that he has some trick up his sleeve.

Like targeting Americans with personal attack by the the full force of the united states of america government machine. But what do you expect from that pack of lying, thieving rats on Capital Hill?

p.s.: In case anyone was wondering, the lack of capital letters on the occasional title or name is intentional. When I refer to americans I am referring to those retards who sell our country out. When I refer to Americans I am referring to those of us who are being sold out.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Consider Haliburton...

I was just reading on the interweb that Freddie Mac is hemorrhaging billions like a drunken Democrat on a power-grab. It's considered a larger financial black hole now than AIG. Read here:

With this somewhat amusing bit of info I got to thinking.... we're watching our great financial institutions collapse around us like so many houses of cards. Our infrastructure is going to seize up and we will be in terrible shape faster than you can push a liberal agenda through a democrat-controlled government.

In these trying times of crisis and universal brouhaha who can we, the average men and women of the country, turn to for help?

Consider Haliburton.

When President Bush wanted to restore an infrastructure to the badly assaulted and damaged city of Baghdad, who did the job? Haliburton...

Consider that Haliburton's 4th quarter report for 2008 was UP. That's right, every single one of us was watching our company's income go down, and Haliburton's went up.

I'm not sore about this. I'm actually kind of proud. Y'see, those liberal retards accused Bush of manufacturing a war in Iraq just so he could take all their oil (he didn't....) and just so Cheney could make a tidy sum off of nation-rebuilding via Haliburton (okay, honestly I'm hazy as to whether or not he DID profit from this.... I'll be completely frank about that one....) but there's no reason to believe that commerce was the reason for the war.

We normally look to our President and Vice President to be people who are in the know, who are connected with the world in ways that you and I can only dream of. That's why a peanut farmer cost us our dignity in the face of the superior military might of the Iranian army. That's why a good ol' boy more interested in his penis than in his country fled Somalia without even considering retribution, directly leading to the first attack on the WTC in 1993. After the STELLAR response to THAT one, the enemy were so upset and horrified at their losses that they killed a further 3,000 Americans only a few years later.

I want a President who understands the Arabs because he's done business with them. That's kind of what you might want to be friends with them for in the first place. A mutually beneficial relationship is always the goal of any peaceful co-existence. I want a Vice President who understands the infrastructure necessary to handle a complex job like rebuilding a damaged city. It kind of makes him more valuable in the game plan, don't you think?

Now you can take your president who's familiar with baby-killing in Chicago, and knows all the ins and outs of A) buying cocaine and B) listening while not listening to white-hating pastors. You can take your long-winded and frankly boorish vice president who is so folksy that dang it, isn't it cute that he's heard of Home Depot enough to reference it?

In this little description I do understand that Sarah Palin has none of the practical big business experience, and to be honest, I admit that's a little bit of a concern. Except I think she would know enough not to bleed America dry.

I had a few quibbles with Bush, but much like his increasing the National Debt in two wars, that's nothing compared to the quibbles I have with his successor, the president of the united states mr. hussein.

So consider who is making a decent profit right now as you pull your money out of the marketplace and search for somewhere safe to put it. Haliburton may be a pretty solid investment. After all, some one's gonna have to clean up this mess.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

The volunteer at gunpoint...

As disturbing a bit of evidence that our country is under siege from radical leftists guerrillas (sorry... I don't mean to imply our president is a monkey, after all we learned how touchy he is on the subject back with that political cartoon a month ago...) you may not find.

The president of the united states is outraged. It seems that AIG stock market players who had signed contracts chose NOT to forgo their bonuses. They were never told they were required to do so, and as Rush pointed out yesterday, they actually WEREN'T required to do so.

The situation became so bad that turncoat rat-in-sheep's clothing Republican Senator Charles Grassley had this comment:

Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa didn't appear to be joking, however, when he spoke with Cedar Rapids, Iowa, radio station WMT.

"I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little better toward them [AIG executives] is if they follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, 'I am sorry,' and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide," he said.

"And in the case of the Japanese, they usually commit suicide."

This is an american talking about Americans. This is an elected official charged to serve by the people, for the people and of the people, talking about the people. This is what 56% of the retards in our country voted for.

Other execs at other countries CHOSE to turn down their bonuses, yet these guys did not. For that they should die? For that our president should be outraged?

I have a suggestion for Hussein and Grassley... and it's not as kind as ritual Hare Kari. It involves a Yoga position that ends up with self-gratification but only after major contortions.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I'm outraged that I approve this message.

Monday, March 16, 2009

An open apology to Barack Obama....

Dear Mr. President,

I realize I have been a tad critical of your efforts. I understand that you have a great deal on your plate... it can't be easy to push through sooooo many agendas in such a short time knowing that there are so many people who were counting on you to do the things you said you would do... you know... fix the economy and so forth.

I know you get super-peeved at those bad guys out there seeking to hurt you... Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Rick Santelli... it must be very frustrating. I mean, how do you manage to hold your head up when speaking with Hugo Chavez? It can't be easy for you.

I can't help but feel that I have, in my own minor way, hurt your feelings too. And yet, that is not what I need to apologize to you for. Hurt feelings, while unfair and therefore fundamentally unamerican, are something that we can all heal from. I mean, just look at how those poor put-upon Democrats who had to endure 8 years of not being absolutely in charge following 8 years of being absolutely in charge, have licked their wounds and come together in harmony and positively blossomed.

No, what I need to apologize to you for is the fundamental problem that clings to the patina of EVERY american... that taint that damns us all and weighs our souls down.

I apologize to the President of the united states for being a burden to him.

Without me, and a heck of a lot of other people just like me out across this weak and bitter land, President Hussein would be free to advance his plans in peace. But instead he has to waste time on complicated schemes to create class envy and internal power struggles while at the same time spending money that might have gone to murdering unborn children on such useless fare as ACORN, tasked with preventing Republicans from coming back into power.

You see, that is what it is to have Government be the answer to all of our problems. It is, as Hussein once described the miracle of childbirth, "...being saddled with the consequences of one mistake". We are the burden that our president must bear, the heavy yoke across his shoulder, that he pulls along as he dreams of a day in which one day all burdens will be equal... I mean all men will be equal.

I know you expected me to explain that the burden was that I constantly criticize and berate the man. No, I am pretty certain he isn't even aware of my existence, and if he were to someday become aware of me, he might not even acknowledge me. I can't apologize for that because it is simply a voice in the wilderness of the interweb... not even a real website, just a blog on Google, and thence not raising so much as a hiccup on the Richter scale of his life. I'm okay with that.

For now.

I am recalcitrant that the burden of taking care of me has fallen to his hands. I know in my heart that Bush never felt burdened by the needs of the people... and yet I feel he worked tirelessly to protect us... not out of a sense of responsibility, but because that was why he was there in the first place... to make Americans safe.

Not to make americans feel ashamed that they are in the way of Large Government.

So Mr. President, you have my sincerest apologies that you perceive me as a drain on your resources.

If only they were truly YOUR resources that might make some impact on me.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I am sorry that I approve this message.

All of this has happened before....

Gotta love that guy... Remember how just a few months ago President Hussein, in the guise of mild-mannered normal human Barack Obama, reminded all of America of how the banks were greedily and unscrupulously making loans to people who could never hope to pay those loans off which was the precipice that the housing market plunged over?

Well, dagnabbit if that daffy zany funster President Hussein isn't out there beating the bushes (so to speak....) and making a big hoopla over the banking industry's need to start reporting to him. Yup... strict Government oversight is what is needed here. And what does he want to report on? Why he wants the banks to report that they have started making loans again to businesses carrying excess back losses. Don't believe me? Take a gander here:

Why even wonder-retard Geithner is in there advocating that banks MUST push forward and... and... ohmygawd it's too damn funny to write with a straight face... and make risky loans to small businesses.

The idiot even acknowledges that that is EXACTLY the game plan.

They are forcing the banks to make the same mistakes they blame the banks for making in the first place which were actually a situation that the banks were forced into originally in the name of fair play. And now class, which side is always worried about fair play?

Now let's not see the same hands up...

That's right... The Liberal Democrats.

All of this has happened before, and will happen again.

Pointing this stuff out is just too easy... it's like shooting kittens in a bucket... except that THESE kittens threaten the fabric of America in a very real and tangible manner.

I suppose at this juncture I should make some sort of pithy joke, but this one really kind of speaks for itself.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Interweb and Social Engineering...

Honestly I had hoped to delve into the concept of using the interweb to socially engineer people with a different topic, global warming, but I have a very compellingly retarded commentary to use this morning that's just as illustrative.

Author Jack Cafferty proposes that the GOP has become a cartoon. Okay, that's fair enough. After all, we do not speak that highly of ourselves given the slap-dash way we handled the Democrat assault. We DO have much to answer for.

Let's see if we're on the same page, shall we?

Point 1) Bobby Jindal quoted as saying "I'm certainly not nearly as good of a speaker as Obama". Grammatically correct? Well, maybe a mild bit shaky, yet certainly not the sort of thing to tar him as a horrible leader for the GOP. And somehow that is how Cafferty sees it. His whole point... his ONLY point, is a minor grammatical slip of the tongue that... let's be honest... is practically unnoticeable. It would take but a few seconds to find far more incriminating evidence against Hussein.

Point 2) Sarah Palin's "abuse" of taxpayer money while running for VP. In these days of biblical-level abuses hers amounts to shoplifting a candy bar when placed against such ignoble efforts as flying Air Force One to Chicago for a haircut and to shoot hoops. And the point that she IS paying back the taxes owed suggests that she would STILL qualify for a cabinet post in the new administration because that's what at least five of Hussein's top cabinet picks are already doing. Her "...tawdry grab at a few dollars that didn't belong to her" is more akin to finding someones lost dollar bill on the street compared to the far worse misappropriation of over a trillion dollars in an non -starter and mis-guided attempt to kick-start the economy that puts illegal aliens to work and yields no tangible results.

Point 3) Michael Steele's apology to Rush. Y'know, when you unfairly malign someone it's not a sign of weakness to apologize. This incident is being characterized as bowing to Rush's all-consuming power, yet the reality is that Steele did the manly thing and accepted that he had mis-spoke. Compare that to President Hussein calling back the NY Times to change quotes he gave them just the other day because he had mis-spoke and you get to see my point.

Rush is a spiritual leader of the party. Not the elected head. In order for the Republican party to rebuild a sense of community needs to exist, and the Democrats seek, through this kind of social engineering, to disrupt that community, Get us all to hate our teammates.

Point 4) Seizing the opportunity of President Hussein being elected to turn our backs on our principals and become Democrats - This is pretty much what this retard said. His version of events, a version backed by popularity polls, says that the Republicans missed a golden opportunity to join the fight to rob Americans blind and subvert their way of life, but instead we opted for the horrid idea of holding to our principals and fighting the Democrats.

Did you know that according to Jack Cafferty,"... The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows the Republican Party's favor ability rating at an all-time low. President Obama's is at an all-time high. The same poll shows that Republicans are getting most of the blame for the partisanship that hinders governmental progress.".

Let's parse that. What it actually says is, without a second party you wouldn't have bi-partisanship.

At least he's accurate.

My God, what a retard.

Social engineering is a combined and concerted effort on many fronts both subtle and gross to paint an unrelenting picture of whatever it is that is being painted in order to change the mind of the reader. Facts are not required, and in fact are frequently ignored. Polls are cited as if they are factual information. The mantra is to repeat these things ad nauseum until the idiots in the world believe them.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Monday, March 9, 2009

If Chauffeurs Ruled the World....

I was just flipping channels and accidentally stopped on a giggling rhesus monkey named Laura Maddow on MSNBC. Honestly, I had thought Rush was over-stating the case when he called them "PMSNBC" but seriously, this gal was just denigrating to the ranks of Hooters gals everywhere. She had the deep and thoughtful job of purposefully explaining how the Democrat party is about to make a game-changing legal change that has grave consequences for the United States.

She reported it with all the depth of a recorded cellphone call between two bitchy mallrat girls discussing ohmygawd that is soooo kewl....

So let's forget about her and instead pay attention to the real story, which is the "Freedom of Choice" ruling that is being given to America as a payola to Union Leaders for selling out America... errr... uhm... I mean helping Hussein get elected. It's basically a law that eliminates secret balloting when unions want to unionize a business.

It's not supported by the workers (and for good reason... who wants to cast a vote when one side or the other can get retribution against you....). It's certainly not supported by business owners. It basically just forces everyone to go union. That's some freedom for you.

In the Faustian Pact that is the Hussein administration, he giveth with one hand whilst taking with the other. He makes it easier for people to unionize while encouraging businesses to fold in order to prevent unionization.

And the Devil... 'scuze me.... The Tasmanian Devil... errr.... President Hussein.... (phew... almost slipped there....) writhes with indignation and proclaims he is NOT a Socialist. Frankly, that old saw about how if it looks like s**t and it smells like s**t and it tastes like s**t it's probably s**t comes to mind here.

I mentioned Charlie the Fedex guy... he picks up Fedex packages at my office... he's a nice guy. He's intelligent, hard-working, dedicated and always upbeat. He took umbrage that I call our Commander-In-Chief Hussein. He said "Why don't you give him a little time?".

I've been waiting for months now for him to do something.... anything.... that suggests I'm on the wrong side of the argument. You see, I'd LOVE to be persuaded that the Democrats have the right idea, and that their way is the correct way. But Hussein just keeps on defying expectations and selling souls to the devil.

Of course by now you should know that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are expected to gain work from the stimulant. That oughta help Americans! That's a little bit like proclaiming global warming during one of the coldest winters in recent years... (looooooong, silent and pregnant pause to be inserted here..... maybe some cricket chirps.... ).

What more does he have to do to tell America that he's in charge and he's gonna get even with us for being so.... ummm.... so.... I dunno... not nice or something. He's done everything he can without getting Harry Reid to feel even slightly betrayed, so I guess there's still some more he can do.

Of course, the picture isn't all crappy. There's a rosy side to all this... after all, think of how all those Illegal Aliens will finally have quality Union Retirement packages.

And all it will cost is the future of the United States of America.

I'm not sure, but I think Hussein is the 13th Imam.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Job Descriptions...

In reference to my last piece, as well as my very first piece way back when, let me explain the job description that President Hussein is expected to fill:

1) His employers - Barry was NOT mandated to be a demi-god. He was elected to be, as Rush put it, a temporary steward of the country. It's in his "swearing in" ceremony... to protect the United State of America. Whether or not I cast a ballot for the idiot, if he IS elected President he owes me, you, and every other American the same duties... to protect and defend this country.

In this he has failed. He has blatantly ignored the wishes of close to half of the voting public, and pressed forward agendas that are self-serving, against the moral fabric of a whole sector of the populace, and flirts dangerously with empowering our enemies while distancing our allies.

He works for me.... did you know that? He works for you too. And for Nancy Pelosi, Clint Eastwood, Rush Limbaugh, Martin Sheen, Charles Barkley, Susan Day-George, Susan Dey (Laurie from "The Partridge Family" and I think some legal show from years ago...), Lou Ferrigno, C. Everett Koop, my Fedex guy Charlie, a guy I know in New York City who has a sound recording studio, named Mike, Nichelle Nichols, Maya Rudolph, Whoopi Goldberg, O.J. Simpson, and a host of other Americans.

He is our employee. We pay his wages so he can keep us safe. He doesn't have the authority to make sweeping changes that boldly tear away at the founding documents of the country. We never agreed through consensus that the Constitution was a "Living Document" that can be re-shaped to fit expedience.

It's not his job.

Yet he's doing just that.

2) His co-workers - Hussein is supposed to govern in a system with checks and balances that preclude god-like capacities. Yet no one in the Democrat controlled Congress or the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, or even the nearly fifty/fifty Judicial department are trying to lift a finger to rein him in. They won't or can't.

The system was devised with checks and balances to keep America safe from this sort of thing. But it only works when all the parties agree to what their job is.

3) His choir - Presidents have long struggled to come to terms with the media. So concerned were they that many times there were fumbles when none need have occurred. This is because those jackals had a reputation for tearing a man apart if he showed any weaknesses.

Now the media sing with religious zeal the adoration of the man. Anointed a superstar by Entertainment Weekly, painted as a superhero by Marvel Comics' House uber-artist Alex Ross, and actually placed in Comic Books, and then wallpapering magazine stands with his likeness in an eerie triptych worthy of some Post-Marxist scenario, he has become a fascist Left-wing icon, a living symbol of strength in the face of solid, stable country-building.

4) His Challenges - He has chosen the cowardly act of appeasement with our enemies. He is more willing to speak with the Taliban than he is Rush Limbaugh. The Taliban, for their part, have just scored a major coup in Pakistan with a similarly new President who preferred peace over freedom. The result? The Taliban have a home now. Oh Goody for them. Maybe Eva B. can send them a house-warming gift.... wanna bet it's better than what they gave the British PM?

Hussein approaches our allies with the child-like zeal of wonder and amazement. He just KNOWS he can sway them with Shirley Temple platitudes of adorable but non-threatening chiding that we're not so bad and they should just be nice to us and maybe they'll see we aren't their enemy.

If this were a playground and he and the Taliban were little kids it'd be kind of pathetic to watch them stomp his ass all over the yard. You'd hold yourself back from the temptation to go smack a few heads and stand there sadly shaking your head and saying "At least hopefully he;ll learn a valuable lesson from this...".

Problem is, it's not a playground, and he's not the one who's ass is gonna get handed to him. A hell of a lot of innocent people are going to be tortured, maimed, and killed. You bet he would. Would he use the dead remains of those unborn warriors in medical experiments that can be achieved withOUT fetal stem cells? Uh huh.

This is what our employee is doing right now.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.