Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where demi-gods fear to tread...

As heard on the Rush Limbaugh Radio show today, Rush met Rahm Emmanual's website "apology to Rush" email which was launched with the idea of marginalizing him, as I have already covered, with an open invitation to cover ALL the costs associated with President Hussein or one of his chosen patsies to come to his radio show and debate him one-on-one.

It's a brilliant maneuver, and to be honest, while I hate to write things that simply parrot Rush's words, because he doesn't need my help in that respect, it's a great way to get out into the open such issues as targeting private citizens with government-funded campaigns.

It's really interesting, because as Rush points it out, it should be everything that the Dems want, and yet it's almost a forgone conclusion that it won't happen.

There is a place where Hussein is afraid to tread.

Now we need to expand on that ground.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It has always amazed me, that with all the invitations from conservative talk radio to "come on down" and voice their arguement, not a single one has yet to accept.

    Why is that? Perhaps they really DON'T have the courage of their own convictions?

    Kinda scary....

  3. Actually I'll disagree on that one... The problem is they DO have the courage of their convictions. And why not.... they trounced us pretty badly... our nation has the scars to prove it. They don't appear... you know what.... you just gave me fodder for my next post... thanks....
