Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sauce for the goose...

Here's what is wrong with George W. Bush:

1) Based on faulty intelligence he forced America to go to war and now 4,000 soldiers are dead. Bush lied and people died.

2) He is friends with the Arab Oil Emirates and he has sold out American interests to make a fast buck on the oil market.

3) Iraq was largely invaded so that Haliburton could make a phenomenal amount of money and in turn payoff Cheney for giving them their lucrative contract.

4) Bush likely colluded with Osama Bin Laden to orchestrate the World Trade Center Attacks in order to frighten Americans into voting Republican. The attack was a conspiracy. How else could the Pentagon be hit by a plane and Donald Rumsfeld walk away unharmed?

5) Despite the rest of America's screams of "failure" Bush persisted in fighting a losing battle against a superior enemy in Iraq.

6) He is inarticulate and a buffoon.

7) His love of the greedy Capitalist system has caused a financial turmoil that is the worst since the Great Depression.

However, in view of the current administration's urge for fair play we now present the opposition viewpoint... in other words, let's see how those charges stack up against new guy...

1) Based upon faulty intelligence President Hussein has rushed toward a dangerously catastrophic "solution" to the economic crisis. Not only has it not made any turn in the tide, but it threatens to swamp any reasonable attempts to stay afloat. Additionally, based on faulty intelligence, he is rationalizing the end to limitations to abortion. His faulty intel? Why that he publicly admitted he has no idea where life even begins.

2) Hussein is Friends with Hamas. He is selling out America's long-standing pledge to support and protect Israel and threatening to turn our only ideologically similar ally in the Middle East against us.

3) The economy was largely destroyed so that the Democrats could have an "October Surprise" to turn the tide against the Republicans, and so that President Hussein could spend money like a seven-year-old in a toy store.

4) Hussein likely colluded with the Democrats, the liberals, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to tank the economy. This was a conspiracy so that Hussein could initiate major and destructive changes to the American way of life.

5) Despite the rest of America's screams that it is a failure and worse, riddled with self-serving extras, President Hussein has approached the $780,000,000,000.00 appropriations bill by insisting that "We must not delay. To do so is to make the situation worse". In other words, it will fail, but he ain't listening.

6) Without a teleprompter (this according to Yahoo! news...)

President Hussein is practically incapable of speaking, and with it he is incapable of looking at his audience. Remember his "not a state of the Union" address at the end of February? He seemed to never be looking at the camera, and never seemed to be addressing America directly. If I were that duplicitous and traitorous I might find direct eye-contact difficult too.

7) His love of the enemies of America has created ill-will and tensions with those countries that have stood staunchly by us in the worst of times. Meanwhile he is having secret talks with the Russians, Hamas, and Syria. He is rushing to our enemies and is seeking to alienate our friends.

My point? You can listen to attacks against Bush all day long, and in a month and a half possibly foreign-born Mulatto President Hussein trumps any complaint you can lay at the feet of Bush.

And on the subject of Bush being friends with the Saudis, at least we are doing lucrative business with them. It's not a transfer of wealth when you get something you need in return. It IS, however a transfer of wealth when Hussein gives Hamas $900,000,000.00 to transport Palestinians to a safer place to live like... oh... I don't know... America!

I don't believe in assassination. It is wrong and it is morally opposite to the teachings of Conservative values.

I'm pretty open to discussions of having him executed after being convicted of treason against the United States of America.

But I'd also settle for banishment or tarring and feathering the guy. Send him off to be a ward of Hugo Chaves' good graces. Maybe make him the ambassador to the FARC.

Anyone else seem to think he is guilty of high crimes against the state?

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.


  1. While I don't agree with everything you said about Bush - I liked that you present both sides of what folks are/have been saying about Bush, as well as Obama.

    Bush was MY President his first term. Absolutely. He failed me his second term. Absolutely. However, I have never once believed that he hates this country and would ever do anything deliberately to tear it down. Never.

    I cannot say the same for Obama.

    His love for our enemies proves his distaste and dislike for this nation. He spent many years of his childhood in another nation. Once here, he sought out those that believe in a different way of life. He hasn't yet demonstrated and true strong moral believes and codes that I can support. He is moving at LIGHTENING speed to push his "programs" into place despite what experts and THE PEOPLE are saying.

    He doesn't give a rat's ass.

  2. Perhaps I wasn't making my point clearly. I DON'T agree with those charges leveled against Bush anymore than you do. And YES, you are correct, he has much to answer for in his second term (legitimizing millions of illegal aliens?!!!). I was trying to convey that pretty much on EVERY SINGLE POINT that the Dems criticized Bush, there is an equal, albeit much more disturbing counterpoint in Hussein.

    In the larger scheme of things I am so proud that my son had a chance to fully experience Bush at the right age to make up his own mind and not be swayed by the retards who portrayed him as a stumble-bum. I am proud to have lived under his protection, and I firmly believe that if laws were mildly twisted or bent, they were in the best interests of the American public.

    That is the job of the president, to make the tough decision that serve the people. Bush, like Reagan before him, was a staunch believer in the sanctity and the power of his role, and both men kept their pants up and their visions unwavering.

    My largest complaint is that I feel Bush tried to seek common ground when the Dems took over, and in that he sacrificed his values along with ours. It's hard to fault him in that he was likely doing what he felt was best even then, which was to protect the Republican party.

    So my apologies for making you think I believed any of those lies about the man. I just wanted to make a point and, in a twisted fashion, link Hussein to Bush, the way they tried to link McCain to Bush.

    All's fair in mud-slinging politics, y'know.

    On the other hand, if you think I go astray and start spouting ridiculous idiocies, you go right on and tell me I'm being an ass. If you're right I'll acknowledge it. If you're wrong I'll kind of be disappointed.

  3. One more thing... . if you really thought I believed in those things, you were TOO AMN NICE!!!!. You should have torn into me for being a commie or something.

    In retrospect, of course...
