Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's so sweet how the Dems care about us....

Y'know, it's kind of hard to believe that the same people who dragged a lovely, talented and self-made woman and her children through the mud for the lowly crime of answering a call to serve her country actually give a rat's ass about us. And yet that is exactly what the Left is trying to ram down our throats currently.

Rush Limbaugh, according to (and this time I have it right...), just gave a keynote speech at a CPAC meeting over the weekend. He was proclaimed the de facto head of the Republican party. In the course of the write-up, pointed out that a worried President Hussein and his followers are starting to distribute pamphlets about how Rush and Talk Radio are hurting the cause of the Conservative movement.

I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to take advice from a coke-swilling* petulant god-child who seeks to destroy my way of life by depressing me thoroughly and taking away all of my liberties and using my money to tell the failures of the world to keep on failing. In fact I'd place book on that one.

President Hussein can kiss my conservative rear end if he thinks I want to listen to that crap! Mad? oh, hell yeah! Just a little!

According to the Dems Rush does NOT speak for all conservatives. What they don't say is that Hussein does not govern for all Americans, either, and therein lies the problem.

I was never particularly fond of Bill Clinton. He struck me as a good ol' boy and more interested in being loved than in protecting America, but I will cop to one thing about him that is crucially different, I never felt he didn't want to govern for the whole country. Even if he and I did not see eye-to-eye, I think he wanted all of America to be happy and prosperous. It was just a methodology that separated us. That and his lack of resolute stance on matters of national security.

But Hussein hates more than half of us, and he decries what makes this country great. We were told last June by a smiling Hussein and his wife Eva B. that "Americas is tired of this and wants to move on....".

We should have seen the warning sign right then and there. What he meant to say, what he REALLY said, was "I'm tired of this, because it's making me uncomfortable, and that's not fair... which as you know, we agreed to be fair...".

We are not Americans to him. We are some strange disease.. more lowly than those poor, downtrodden illegal aliens who came here against the law and without benefit of "Strict government oversight" to insert themselves into our society. We are not deserving of the same considerations unless we "listen to what's best for us".

As they seek to shut down our right to free speech, and make no mistake that is high on their agenda, they also seek to make us look like radicals because they oh so generously provide us helpful advice on who we should listen to. And if we DON'T listen to them, then we are supposed to believe it will hurt our cause.

Hussein, I listen to you. I listen to you so I can understand the mind of my enemy. I want you to fail, and I want you to lose this country, and I want it back in the hands of responsible adults who live by the motto their fathers taught them, that what you earn through hard work, self-determination and conservative values governed by a moral code, is of high value. I reject the notion that what you are given by a supposedly benevolent Father-state is worth anything other than weak platitudes and bread crumbs to the hungry.

You will fail, President Hussein. And when we have re-taken our country back from you and your leftist guerrillas we will restore order and undo the damage you have done. And we will NEVER fight fair again when it comes to defending against you, because the price of peace is far greater than the price of victory to those who truly care about our brothers and sisters in the country, and indeed the world.

J. Michael Stracsysnki wrote "....because sometimes secrets have a way of getting out, and sometimes peace is just another word for surrender".

We listen to you for clues to what can bring down the monster on the throne, but do not expect us to listen to you for fatherly advice, because you have abandoned us, Mr. Hussein.

(* For the record, the Hussein camp just announced last week that the drink of choice in the Whitehouse was no longer Pepsi, but had in fact become Coca Cola. Anyone who thinks I was saying our lord and master might still have an addiction to the illegal drug he used as a young man is simply bringing that to the table themselves. After all, I never said that he may or may not still be addicted to the same illegal narcotic he used as a young man, which is cocaine.)

I'm Dr. Calamity and you'd better believe I approve this message.