Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Post-Racial Politics?

In a startlingly frightening AP article about the pending confirmation of Sonya Sotomayer to the Supreme Court the author Julie Hirschfield-Davis inserted the phrase "Post-Racial Politics" in an effort to paint president hussein as not a part of the hideous back-stabbing going on in DC.

The article is ostensibly a reporting piece on Senator Harry "Mr. Fair Play" Reid threatening Republicans with a backlash against them for acting like impressively polite Democrats by opposing Sotomayer. This is a little like a teacher yelling at her students for not parsing Pi to the last digit fast enough.

The reality of the piece however is far more sinister and telling... It reeks of racial politics so heightened that logical discourse is a hindrance to the flow and ebb of Government legislation.

The AP helpfully points out that while the GOP might be accused of assaulting a Hispanic and therefore be guilty of racial discrimination (gee.... all I ever heard were concerns about her qualifications and her mindset where legislative law is concerned... kind of the point of the Judicial Nomination hearings...) the Dems also risk a backlash if they appear to be pushing her for her race rather than her credentials.


The Dems already blocked a Hispanic candidate of Bush's for the sole purpose of having the bragging rights to being the first to have a Hispanic judge on the Supreme Court. Forget the politics, it's all about who gets there first.

The disgust level of this is even further ratcheted up by the author's mention, as cited above, of the current "post-racial politics" position.

First off, who decided electing a mulatto made things post-racial? Second, who are the ones most concerned with race lately anyhow? The Dems cry racism if they don't get enough sprinkles on their mid-afternoon cupcakes, and prominent Black and Mulatto Americans have a hard time trying to justify perceived racial profiling in a case so CLEARLY elevated and created by a racially bigoted Black Man that even a Black Panther might be able to figure it out... (okay... that might be a bit of a stretch... but you get the idea...).

There is NOTHING post-racial in the country right now. The Black Community won't let the whole "mulatto president" thing go and the press is acting like eager little puppies trying desperately to please their masters to ensure that we know how enlightened we are and how lucky we are that color is not an issue, even as it is being screamed in our faces.

And all of this, my friends, is a smoke screen to distract us from the very real issue of socialized medicine.

Now stuff that in your pipe and smoke it!

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

We cried too, General Powell....

General Colin Powell was just interviewed again on a whole host of subjects by and once again reveals that he is more of the flawed figure he first revealed himself to be last summer.

At first he talks about Professor Gates and he tries hard to paint a picture of Gates being the responsible party, but of course can't resist saying that the cops over-reacted. It's couched in more subtle language than president hussein used, but it's still there.

And then to add depth to the comment, the General goes on to say how he was once racially profiled at Reagan International Airport because no one believed he was the National Security Adviser to the president.

He claims it was because no one believed a black man could have been the NSA, but offers no proof.

So for a second time in recent weeks prominent black men have gotten out the word that failure to be recognized for their fame equals racism.

Racial profiling is not a funny thing. It can lead to all manner of terrible events. But the terrible crime of not being recognized for your fame is NOT racial profiling, it's more a matter of people being busy with their jobs and not paying too much attention to the news.

Which is also not a crime.

In just a few short weeks I will be going to a travelling seminar hosted by many prominent figures, among them Rudy Giuliani and General Powell. I'll resist the temptation to bring a bag of rotted tomatoes for Mr. Powell, but I no longer feel I have anything to gain from him.

He out and out admits in this interview that the reason... the ONLY reason... he wanted hussein to win the election was due to his skin color. Or to put it another way, because he racially profiled him.

He was so profoundly moved that a black man could get elected to the office of president he cried.

We on the other hand who love this country above all other considerations including skin color cried as well, but for completely different reasons.

What is so galling about Powell's remarks is that there was a time when I admired his work, his calmness and his ethics. I WANTED Colin Powell to run for president. I would have voted for him. He conveyed all the things that makes a man a man.

And I know when everything changed. The moment is palpable, and for a man of his stature was almost certainly a life-altering event. The day he stood at the podium of the United Nations and tried to gain international approval for the war in Iraq, and the entirety of the room laughed at him.

If you trace it, things were never the same after that. He became more quiet and subdued in the media, his politics were at odds with Bush's. Many post-Bush administration reports showed that he had become something of the outside influence to the inner circle due to his growing frustration over that moment.

And now he has lost the luster of what a lifetime of service to your country can bring to a man, and he has chosen petty racism over the safety of the country he so loved.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Friday, July 24, 2009

It was about race all along... Stoopid cops!!! (UPDATED)

Stoopid, stoopid Cambridge police officers!!!

What the hell were they thinking responding to a call of a man (black OR white...) breaking into the house of a Harvard Professor who was known to have been out of town?

And even worse, how egregious they must have been for not being particularly happy to find a belligerent man screaming racism while refusing to identify himself inside that house.

And then to top it all off they had the gall to have him arrested for disturbing the peace when he made a big deal about how he was a black man in America and upsetting the neighborhood.

And typical of life under the hussein regime, who does our commander-in-chief side with? The jackass goes off and calls the police stupid!

In every telling of the events by the media there is zero description of inappropriate behavior. However what DOES emerge is a picture of a black man with a chip on his shoulder the size of... well... Belgium... who is SUPPOSED to be a well-educated man, but can't have the presence of mind to cooperate with the police when they are trying to secure HIS property.

*** UPDATE*** As reported HERE president hussein once again speaks about how he could have said things differently, but refused to apologize for his words, instead trying to gloss over the whole thing by retardedly commending BOTH parties in the incident for being so upstanding about their behavior.

Apparently... and this is a leader of the free world, the highest elected official in the world, and the man to whom we are supposed to be attributing our noblest aspects from speaking ... in other words, the man who embodies what america is supposed to be all about.

And he believes refusing to cooperate with the police when simple obeyance of the law could have prevented ANY escalation of the incident characterizes Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as one of "...two good people in a circumstance in which neither of them were able to resolve the incident in the way in which it should have been resolved.". You have to remember, this is the man who threw his grandmother under the bus when she became politically undesirable a year earlier. His understanding of character leaves a tremendous amount to be desired.

****END UPDATE ***

Was it about racism? Damn right it was!! It was about how the black man is eager to get revenge on the white man!

Now don't get me wrong, I am in complete agreement with the idea that racism is a real issue in America, and while I have no concern for hussein's skin color (my vitriol is for something far more important, his hatred of Americans...) he is at the epicenter of a fundamental shift in racial tensions of which this idiot Harvard Prof. is only a symptom.

As I have mentioned, I recently sat on Grand Jury and the larger percentage of cases I heard involved people of color. This is not to say that people of color are the only troublemakers, but the one thing that I walked away with was that the willingness to commit crimes specifically directed against other people was demonstrated with far greater alacrity from people of color, and that crimes that were more individual in nature (i.e, DWIs, and so forth...) tended to be toward Caucasians.

hussein made the specific point in his jackass statement that traditionally a great disparage exists in the number of arrests of blacks compared to whites. In my tiny little month-long window into my local community I heard stories of home invasions, gang activities, savage stabbings and beatings that have left people permanently disabled, shaken to the core, and fearful. The perpetrators were almost always black.

My point is that perhaps the stereotype of the black as criminal might be better served if, as Bill Cosby suggests, black people stop crying racism and start building up their lives and striving for better. The ONLY way to stop this cycle is for people to take individual responsibility for their actions and start to encourage the English language as a native tongue, as opposed to ghetto-speak, and for learning to be encouraged over the quick and easy thrill of scoring a crack-deal.

Unfortunately, in this hussein-led country, big government is who is supposed to solve everything, so we are being told to just lay therein our own filth and reach our hands up to the great big teat of government until it tires of our cries and feeds us.

Sorry, that's not America.

And every day, in every way, retard president hussein showed us who he is and what he is... particularly when he jumps on the "black victim" bandwagon and tells America that our law enforcement officers are stupid.

This kind of irresponsible and racist leadership shouldn't be tolerated in our world, but nowadays being a loyal citizen is the new "black".

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Global Warming rages on, and the stupid keeps getting stupider....

Worried about the rise in ocean temperatures? Worried that the world is burning up and there won't be anything left to tax if we don't act now, and act fiercely to stem this tide of desolation?

Well then chew on THIS piece of stupidity from who else... that's right... Yahoo! Associated Press... their motto: If it's retarded we'll report it....

I caught this interesting news article about a middle eastern dust storm so immense it was photographed from space. Y'know, a compelling human interest story about something that is uncommon here in the states, but very common in the mideast.

But you have to go to the mid-way point of the story to get to the meat of the subject....

Yup, it turns out that global warming in the form of ocean temperatures rising, is being caused by (get this...) a lessening of dust storms and a lessening of volcanic eruptions.

I couldn't make this crap up if I tried.

So what AP is dutifully reporting is that we can save our planet by triggering more volcanoes and by flooding the atmosphere with tons of bacteria-filled (their thing, not mine...) dust and sand from the deserts.

Now my science may be lacking here, but I was under the impression volcanic eruptions introduce tons and tons of carbon into the atmosphere which was... I've been told... the problem.

Maybe it's because man has nothing to do with them that it's all okay, but you know, it gets very frustrating trying to understand these things.

So if we were to drive a Dodge Volcano to work, even though it was terrible for the ecology, we could go ahead and claim how we were helping the oceans stay cool.

I need a Pamprin...

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message....

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's A Charnel House!!!!

It has become apparent that, according to this AP press release, our troops are doomed to failure and disgraceful defeat at the hands of the vastly superior Taliban! It's a charnel house and we are sending our men and women into the meat-grinder!

How much longer must we wantonly kill and torture and ruin our country'sd good name?

It's time we pull out!

Sound familiar?

president hussein hasn't uttered the phrase "we inherited this war" so he must be behind it. He takes ownership of it, and spoke of it as something he wants to win during the election process.

Let's make sure he gets the "E" ticket ride, everybody.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The masterful Joe Biden on the state of things...

In this ABC News interview between George Stephanopolis and the highest-ranking known bona fide US-born political official Joe Biden opens up on his feelings about the resignation of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Now let me be clear about this, I LIKE Joe Biden. I like that he's hopeless non-sensical and mind-bogglingly stupid. He's fun that way. Does that make me seem biased?

I kind of thought so.

But listen to this guy and tell me what you think. In one portion of the interview, he talks about how the hussein administration misread the economy, how 9.5% unemployment is completely and totally bad, how the administration is still complaining that they inherited this mess, and how the stimulus package is working just swell and the administration is doing a wonderful job managing the economy.


And then at the end of the piece he goes on to discuss Sarah Palin, and George asks him point-blank, does Joe believe that Sarah was the target of a smear campaign? Naturally Joe says no, that's not the case. But then he goes on to say that he respects her and he has to take her at her word that there is a portion of personal element to her decision to step down.


Does he take her at her word or does he think she's a loon?

This is what I love about the man. He can be truly counted on to Dan-Quayle the place up and confuse things something fierce. His words string together in what might "sound" rational, but they link up in ways which make no meaningful sense.

So to sum up from his interview:

Economy - badly misread.
Unemployment - staggeringly high and greater than expected
Stimulus Package - not doing its job yet, but working wonderfully
Sarah Palin - paranoid but respected. She's a liar, and he respects her.

He's a joy to behold, isn't he?

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

america's First Dependance Day

president hussein presides over the first new holiday for his country, america. It is, of course, Dependence Day.

This is the day we celebrate the dependence we have to come to put in our government to make our beds for us, cook our meals for us, tell us what is right and what is wrong.This is the day we celebrate our government taking over all our responsibilities for us and spoon-feeding us our education from the trough of politically appropriate sources.

Today we can open our hearts to all peoples in the land, unconcerned about their ideologies or their intent to harm us, and welcome them as our new neighbors. So if you're a protected pedophile, welcome in.. if you believe marriage is not a sacrament but rather a government-subsidized way of life, welcome in, if you believe Christianity is a scourge upon all mankind move right on up to the head of the line, son, and if you believe in wearing a collar stamped "property of hussein" welcome in.

I don't.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The price we pay for a free press....

It's apparently $250,000.00 according to this wondrously loopy Politico/Yahoo! News piece that greeted early risers on the morning of July 3rd.

Historically speaking, the press has always been about maintaining their Independence and about being the watchdogs against big government. Their role in world events in fact has been crucial over the past century in keeping the order and in protecting life and liberty.

Of course, that was back in the days when they cared about those things. In World War II, for instance, many times the media would cooperate with requests from the government to plant inaccurate information in the newspapers and yet nobody decries those actions because the goal was not to do social-reconstructive surgery and change the nature of this country, it was to use the fact that foreign agents were paying close attention to the domestic media and to mis-inform the bad guys.

Under president hussein it can reasonably argued that any misinformation he would ask the media to run with against foreign powers would come with warning labels an apology for just about everything America has done to date, a for-ward looking apology to those crimes we have not yet committed, and offers of financial restitution to all enemy combatants who we have physically disabled, in the form of 10% vouchers toward hybrid vehicles that will be designed to explode in a far more effective blast pattern than the current gas-guzzling and inefficient models Detroit now makes.

But back to the media....

The Washington Post graphics department printed up fliers and started circulating them to lobbyists and "association executives" offering unfettered access to not only their journalists and editors but to mover-and-shaker members of the hussein White House staff. The price? A paltry $250,000.00.

And even better? Where would these little tet-e-tets take place? At the home of the Washington Post publisher, Kathy Weymouth.

But that's not the really unbelievable part, because it could be reasoned that this was a desperate grab for quick cash from a major media outlet nearly $20 million in the hole (you would think hussein would only ask for a few sexual favors for a loan of that size....). No, the really unbelievable part is the counter-story that Ms. Weymouth is asking the American Public to buy.

The flyers were being distributed to targeted individuals without ANY APPROVAL WHATSOEVER and without having been vetted by the senior staff or Ms. Weymouth. In fact.... and here's the really great part.... the flyers apparently mis-represent the whole thing, and it only makes it LOOK bad because that's not really what the $250,000.00 is for.

So if Kathy Bigmouth is to be believed, some poor schlub in the graphics department heard the boss was throwing a party and decided that this event should be publicized. So that poor schlub generates a detailed graphic with information that was wholly made up, about how for $250,000.00 you, the intended target audience, can socialize not only with that poor schlub's co-workers (whom, it can reasonably be assumed, the poor schlub is enamored of and thanks his/her lucky stars they get to work with every day of his/her life...) but also with the ruling elite of DC who, without any reason to believe it will happen, Poor Schlub is promising will alight form their castle in the sky and come down to join in on.

You buying this?

Poor Schlub is a pretty resourceful person, because not only did he/she generate the graphic, but then he/she managed to use company equipment without authorization, print up the flier on company gloss paper (you don't waste these things on newsprint, that would be gauche....) and then also without any approval whatsoever used the power and authority of the graphics department to ensure that all of these fliers started circulating to lobbyists and others who might benefit.

Poor Schlub is an extremely loyal employee, don't you think?

Imagine that meeting... PS walks into the secretary's office for Ms. Bigmouth and asks if Ms. Bigmouth can see her.

"Why would I waste my time on the graphics department staff? That's what I hire janitors for? Ms. Bigmouth replies over the intercom.

"But Ms. Bigmouth (the name is changed to protect the stupid...) Mr. or Mrs. Schlub is standing right in front of me. What do I tell him or her?" the secretary opines.

Exasperated, Ms. Bigmouth replies "Tell Graphics to send a cart up here and retrieve their wayward puppy. I already told you I'm not to be disturbed while Obama music videos are playing in my office.!"

And so Poor Schlub is sent, somewhat tearfully, back to the basement office he/she works in.

Seriously, graphics people are NOT high on the decision-making scale, and for a flier of this sort to be generated and distributed to targeted individuals without any one's permission, and totally misrepresenting the truth (which, by the way, it can reasonably argued is the job of the editorial staff...) is pretty much incomprehensible.

Had the mistake been a comma, or maybe the time being half an hour off for the event, maybe I could buy that. But wholesale inaccurate information and targeted distribution?

Someday we'll look back on this and laugh...

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Inherit the Windfall....

As we approach the first Independence Day in US history where we must look around and scratch our heads and try to remember what it was we were celebrating, we look to the people in charge for reassurance. Yes.... logic and wisdom would tell you that that is a fool's errand, but sometimes you have no other options.

  • president hussein is ruining the country at a striking pace...
  • michelle hussein is being kept sleeveless and quiet because she is close to unable to keep her big yap shut and sooner or later she'll blurt out the plot against America that they are working on.
  • Joe Biden (I CAN use capital letters with him because he's an American... a retard, but an American...) continues coming out every once in a while and says wondrously fantastical things that defy even hussein's logic.
  • DragonQueen Pelosi has narrowly averted being tossed out by her loyal compadres for daring to lie about what she knew when she knew it regarding torture.
  • Human facsimile Barney Frank has this year made it clear he supports cruel and targeted punitive taxation as a means of cheating American citizens and instilling fear in them, making him the second biggest domestic terrorist in US history.
  • The UAW are hailing their successful theft of GM and doing NOTHING about the brand new 22% unemployment destroying the largest cities in Wisconsin, owing to that self-serving measure.
  • Hillary Clinton has proven that her foreign-policy acumen is beyond reproach as she managed to get Pakistan nearly f**ked over by "encouraging" them to give sanctuary to the Taliban.... with whom we are.... I thought... at war. But that's okay, it takes away the emphasis we had on her blaming the US for the rise in Mexican Drug Cartel Wars that threaten to spill into USA cities.
  • Colin Powell has elicited the coveted title of head of the Republican Party by saying how great president hussein is.
  • Janet Napolitano is on record that she will willingly and purposefully violate her oath of office by failing to enforce laws, as well as by allowing (encouraging?) written reports that the public are not meant to see in which Conservatism is equated with terrorism. Not, of course, with any factual basis, but still...
  • Janeane Garafolo (who only THINKS she has a say in politics...) is happy to equate critical review of the political process that violates Constitutional law with racism on the sole basis that there is a black man involved.

Yes, there is far more out there to blog about.

So what is my message in all of this? Is it just to say that I don't like them and I want to bitch? Is it some misguided sense of patriotism that is streaking down my spinal column? Could it be the understanding that our distaff president hates dissidents of any kind and sucks the c**ks of petty dictators in hopes he will be loved by them and treated as one of the gang?

We are, for the moment, powerless to stop the wholesale abuses being perpetrated by the ruling people in Washington. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It would be far worse if the power shift was more evenly balanced and these crimes were still being committed.

So lets give the liberals all the rope they need and sooner or later they will sexually asphyxiate themselves with it.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.