Sunday, April 4, 2010

Amusing world-threatening irony in Currency Debate...

Noted tax cheat and financial head of the united states of america Tim Geithner has delayed releasing a report criticizing the Chinese Government for its practice of undervaluing their currency, the yuan.

The yuan should have followed free-market levels, according to Geithner, and appreciated at a rate consistent with the market. Since the Chinese Government has interfered with the value of the yuan against the marketplace the cost of Chinese-made goods is much lower than free-market competition can compete with, which would have the net effect of killing American jobs and hampering the restoration of our economy.

This information is all laid out in the news article the header links to.

In a related news story:

The united states of america has interfered with the health care industry, and prevented the Health Care providers from growing their businesses and using free-market economy to determine the best values for the buying public. By undervaluing the health care market by imposing restrictive and arbitrary limitations on the industry's back, and threatening a government-supplied option the health care industry can not compete with, which would have the net effect of killing American jobs and hampering the restoration of our economy.

This would be called delicious irony if it weren't so hideously real-world.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

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