Monday, June 22, 2009

The 2010 Census....

There's been a mild resurgence in the "should we fill out the 2010 Census form" debate. The belief is that the Census form will be much more detailed and will ask for far more personal information from U.S. Citizens than has ever been asked.... questions many feel are overly intrusive.

So, even though I had already weighed in on this some months ago by declaring that one should really only answer those questions one believes are valid.... I wanted to see if a sample questionnaire in inf act exists to review. I did not find one, however I did find THIS information.

As you can see, the form is very trimmed down, the info is very basic, and it appears there would be nothing that would be untoward here.

My first reaction was "Well... okay... we just got all worked up over nothing...."

And then my second reaction kicked in.....

What is so different from this very simple form that not only was ACORN called in to participate, but they have been going to every single address in the country specifically to GPS-paint every front door of every dwelling?

Why would anyone WANT ACORN to collect this very basic information? Why would the people from the bureau that usually handle this not be up to the task of getting a properly shortened and simplified form filled out?


Of course, a thinking person might already have an answer for this pertinent question.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

1 comment:

  1. The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 54 This post is a suggested read at,
