Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The only confused people here are the left...

In what is becoming something of a national-interest legal issue, the Supreme Court overturned a controversial ruling against white firefighters in New Haven, Connecticut who were denied promotions they earned through test scores in a test which was then thrown out because no minorities who took the test passed.

In this amusing AP article on Yahoo! much is made by the losing side, the Labor law attorneys, about how this has created a minefield for employers who are legitimately seeking to remain fair to minority employees. After all... what possible guidelines could they have for basing promotions on now?

If I were distaff president of the united states hussein my response might be....

"....Ahhh, we can no longer afford to continue to grade people on the same old tired standards that have for too long ruled this land of yours. We must act, and we must do so right away, to ensure that everyone is treated equally, and with respect. So in accordance with the powers I have appropriated I am abolishing this unfair and slanted right-wing test and I call upon the members of Congress to toady up a new version, one that will be approved by my new Czar of Fairplay Susan Sarandon, a set of standards for equally distributing the powers of this position. Additionally, due to the alarming situation here in the fire-suppression industry, I have taken control of all fire-fighting services and have capped the pay of all fire chiefs. Now do not make any mistakes that I intend to be in the business of putting out fires... I have never put out a fire in my life and I don't want to start now... but I can no longer stand by, nor should any of us, idly, while these horrible irresponsibilities go unchallenged.".

Or you could just test the candidates to determine their abilities.

But that's just me being silly.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message...

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