Sunday, June 21, 2009

Finding the sublime in those little Obama moments...

I'm going to be up front and honest about this.... this is really minor league stuff here. I'm including it just because these two things are kind of indicative of president hussein in ways too ludicrous to explain otherwise.

First, I was watching "American Dad" on Fox this evening (that's right, I went there....) and there was one of those interminable Obama infomercial things where he tells us things. Tonight's was at least holiday-themed. His message.... "be a good father. It doesn't take much, all you have to do is go to the park or to the zoo".

So I waved goodbye to my family, got up and went to the zoo.

Told my wife and son I'd be back in a few hours.

As a sad post-script to this, my son, also thankfully not a liberal, cornered me and said "You never listen to anything this guy tells you to do!". I replied... "Hey, My President just gave me an order!!!!".

Well, it seemed pretty funny at the time....


So the next thing is looking at the latest news bits on Sci-Fi Wire... the Sci-Fi channel's website.

Apparently Michael Bay, creator of the world's noisiest films, fell in love with the magnificence of the man and fired Jon Voight from his presidency for Transformers 2 in favor of another fictional president, Barack Obama.

It seems Bay inserted news footage of the Obamanator into the film with reports that he was worried about Robot Insurance for the elderly, or some such crap.

Why? Well, when the two met each other by accident and Bay tripped over himself reciting his resume he became so excited that he had been recognized that he just HAD to put the man in his movie.

My wife was physically unable to sit through all fourteen and a half hours of the confusing and directionless first film largely due to the combination of flashing lights and screeching high-pitched noises. She literally became ill.

Now it's my turn.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

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