Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Consider Haliburton...

I was just reading on the interweb that Freddie Mac is hemorrhaging billions like a drunken Democrat on a power-grab. It's considered a larger financial black hole now than AIG. Read here:


With this somewhat amusing bit of info I got to thinking.... we're watching our great financial institutions collapse around us like so many houses of cards. Our infrastructure is going to seize up and we will be in terrible shape faster than you can push a liberal agenda through a democrat-controlled government.

In these trying times of crisis and universal brouhaha who can we, the average men and women of the country, turn to for help?

Consider Haliburton.

When President Bush wanted to restore an infrastructure to the badly assaulted and damaged city of Baghdad, who did the job? Haliburton...

Consider that Haliburton's 4th quarter report for 2008 was UP. That's right, every single one of us was watching our company's income go down, and Haliburton's went up.

I'm not sore about this. I'm actually kind of proud. Y'see, those liberal retards accused Bush of manufacturing a war in Iraq just so he could take all their oil (he didn't....) and just so Cheney could make a tidy sum off of nation-rebuilding via Haliburton (okay, honestly I'm hazy as to whether or not he DID profit from this.... I'll be completely frank about that one....) but there's no reason to believe that commerce was the reason for the war.

We normally look to our President and Vice President to be people who are in the know, who are connected with the world in ways that you and I can only dream of. That's why a peanut farmer cost us our dignity in the face of the superior military might of the Iranian army. That's why a good ol' boy more interested in his penis than in his country fled Somalia without even considering retribution, directly leading to the first attack on the WTC in 1993. After the STELLAR response to THAT one, the enemy were so upset and horrified at their losses that they killed a further 3,000 Americans only a few years later.

I want a President who understands the Arabs because he's done business with them. That's kind of what you might want to be friends with them for in the first place. A mutually beneficial relationship is always the goal of any peaceful co-existence. I want a Vice President who understands the infrastructure necessary to handle a complex job like rebuilding a damaged city. It kind of makes him more valuable in the game plan, don't you think?

Now you can take your president who's familiar with baby-killing in Chicago, and knows all the ins and outs of A) buying cocaine and B) listening while not listening to white-hating pastors. You can take your long-winded and frankly boorish vice president who is so folksy that dang it, isn't it cute that he's heard of Home Depot enough to reference it?

In this little description I do understand that Sarah Palin has none of the practical big business experience, and to be honest, I admit that's a little bit of a concern. Except I think she would know enough not to bleed America dry.

I had a few quibbles with Bush, but much like his increasing the National Debt in two wars, that's nothing compared to the quibbles I have with his successor, the president of the united states mr. hussein.

So consider who is making a decent profit right now as you pull your money out of the marketplace and search for somewhere safe to put it. Haliburton may be a pretty solid investment. After all, some one's gonna have to clean up this mess.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

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