Monday, March 2, 2009

Throwing the baby out with the holy water...

Jeez!!!! This is frustrating,.... I wanted to finish the last blog and just go chill to some bad TV or something, and then I find THIS stinking pile of crap from (again, in Case you think I'm nuts, here a link to it....)

Kansas Governor Kathleen "baby-hacker" Sibelius has unexpectedly become a lightning rod of unwarranted (not to be confused with the Bush Administrations' copyrighted phrase "without a warrant"....) anti-abortion attention.

It seems wanting to kill babies is not viewed nicely by all who hear of the practice. And who knew that babies had such a vocal spokes group?

So Sibelius, who has a history of pro-Abortion voting, is nominated for the Secretary of Health and Human Services Dept. which would give her broad and near Bush-like ability to suspend constitutional powers over pre-voter drone babies, is under the gun. And HOW does CNN report it?

Oh good Lord, it almost makes you vomit... and I quote:

Abortion, not resume, could dominate Sebelius confirmation

As if resume was ever a factor when the person in the hot seat was a Conservative or a Republican. truly feels bad for her. It's almost as if they didn't CARE if babies got pulled apart in-utero. That's it, CNN... tug on our heart-strings some more... you're almost about to bring a tear to our eyes...

Yeah, I know... I seem to have two modes when doing this blog... really pissed off and wanting to stoke the fires as much as possible, and then there's sarcastic and a bit caustic.

Seriously, I could be watching Spongebob now or ... oh wait, I don't watch Spongebob... well... I have things to watch, don't worry about me none...

After all, I can't remember the last time I invaded a woman's womb to commit homicide.

Nope... it doesn't even sound like something I'd do.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

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