House Speaker nancy pelosi, who was sworn into office with the specific tenet that she avows she would uphold and defend the laws of the united states of america, is just so wacky that she can't resist flaunting her violation of that oath. According to Fox News, "Old Ironsides" Pelosi was speaking at a Hispanic rally and made comments along the lines of how U.S. Immigration law enforcement is un-american, and how horrible it is that OUR families are being torn apart by having doors kicked down in the middle of the night and having parents ripped from their children.
O.I. Pelosi has gotten a few of the facts wrong here, folks...
1) Immigration's job, their MANDATE is to control and restrict the flow of illegal aliens into the US.
2) They generally do NOT have middle-of-the-night raids to arrest people, they do this sort of thing only in the eventuality that there is a risk of violence or some other time-sensitive necessity.
3) They are NOT our families, they are some other country's families who came here illegally and need to be held accountable.
4) People who break the law generally get torn away from their families. It's kind of why we frown on people breaking the law, because it's unsettling for the basic nuclear family.
5) Doesn't she realize that traditional demo-Liberalistic theology is designed to tear apart the nuclear family anyhow? Not only is she screwing over America, but she's screwing over her own religious beliefs in the process.
I'm not fond of the many moral issues that are caused by families being raised by illegal aliens (they are illegal aliens, NOT illegal immigrants.... "Illegal immigrants" is an oxymoron...). Their sheer numbers in the range of 20,000,000 make them a logistical nightmare. We can neither afford to ignore their existence, nor legitimize them, as either will lead to terrible things.
Let's get this straight... while there are many innocents involved in this, I still feel no significant pity for the people who came over here knowing they were doing so illegally. This country, while currently on the downward slide, has significant merit. There SHOULD be some effort extolled on the behalf of these american-wannabes to get in to the country.
I don't know... maybe I'm just a middle-aged white guy in a traditional marriage (as Meriam-Webster USED to define it...) just trying to live the American Dream. Maybe I'm irrelevant. Perhaps I'm the joke in all of this.
Or perhaps those people are CRIMINALS.
And when they break the law it is not anti-American to enforce that law.
It IS anti-American of a primary member of the U.S. House of Representatives to casually deny that law has any meaning to her. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's actually treasonous.
So, in that at least, she's following by the Democrat playbook. Phew... I was almost scared there for a minute.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
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Here, here! I have to say I'm in total agreement with you on this. And yes, somewhere along the line I must have gotten *old,* too. When I bring this stuff up, people look at me like I'm nuts. And I WORK for Homeland Security, for God's sake. ((heavy sigh)).
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to the days when an immigrant would come to American and be PROUD to be here? And WANT to assimilate? Some would even take an "American" name.
I suppose, in all fairness, not ALL the immigrants that come here do so illegally. Two-thirds of our work-force at my job is Asian. So that would make ME the minority.
It's all that keeps be going back there with as bad as it's been. I tell myself I am at least doing SOMETHING for my country with the immigrants who WANT to do it the right way.
Thanks for the blog. Good one.
Ceredwyn (may I call you "Ed"?), thanks for the comment. I work for a Chinese-owned company, and have many friends who are Asian. I am very proud to work with anyone who comes here legally and earns their way in. Those people are valuable and demonstrate the American Dream. My concerns are NOT race-based, they are crime-based.