Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Finally, a way to stop the violence....

It's a distraction tactic, but at least it's an amusing one. CNN.com is addressing the means to end violence that has killed thousands in the Mexican Drug Wars, and in typical fashion, the solution that is provided in this editorial piece is just plain WRONG.

The only logical approach to solve the problem of Mexican drug killings, according to this article is NOT to do anything that will rein in, control, or stop the killers... in fact it is positively a helping hand... why, legalization, of course.

Not that I am tolerant of the idea, but we're not even talking legalizing Marijuana here... we are talking about ALL DRUGS. It seems that the civil rights of these poor souls in Mexico are being trampled because they can not make an honest living selling death to children. Any attempt, in fact, to make it harder for them to do this is tantamount to law enforcement condemning thousands to their horrible deaths.

It's kind of funny how people who are so vicious and inhuman that they have a profession called "cocktail mixer" in which some poor schlep mixes various acids in order to melt down the bodies of victims so they will never be found, should be considered as somehow victims of a heartless civilization.

I'm not in the mood to pontificate on this one beyond this. Or to put it another way, if you read the CNN piece and you think this Harvard Professor (naturally...) is correct, I respectfully submit that you should move down to Mexico City and show your support for their cause by "having some skin in the game".

Anyhow, as I said, this is just a distraction, and only worthy of being included because it's so asinine it's funny.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve of this message.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is, law enforcement (and I use the term loosely) in Mexico is making as much money as the drug dealers with this.
    Hell no, they don't want it legalized. They want to keep the control; to continue enforcing their brand of *law*.
    Death-dealers make a pretty good living (pun intended) it would seem..
