Thursday, March 19, 2009

So nutty it just might work....

Those of you with long memories can recall that waaaaay back in February when president hussein signed the stimulant bill he had a little-known provision to have his pet-project and erstwhile Nazi ZZ division group Acorn, the voter registration unit that has had State and Federal indictments drawn against them for voter registration fraud awarded $4 Billion.

In light of the impending amnesty for illegal aliens, this means that the people at Acorn, and in fact the Democrat party, can be expected to have wet mattresses for the foreseeable future.

Y'see, Acorn NEEDS those funds... they're going to HAVE to have that money if they are expected to help the united states census bureau count "accurately" all of that information.

Why, you ask, would the census bureau people need their help? Well, with the extra 20,000,000 new voters that president hussein is looking to create (and, by the way, to unionize them....) it's gonna take a concerted effort to make sure that all of those people register democrat.

The two things to bear in mind here are the following:

1) When you receive your census bureau do you intend to fill it out accurately?

2) If given the opportunity to hire a pardoned illegal alien, would YOU hire that person?

These are important questions.

With Acorn involved, and their well-documented bias toward the Democratic party, their influence on the census means that you have to wonder exactly how they will alter what you put down on those forms. Do you want to identify yourself as a Conservative or a Republican? Will that put your future dealings with government at ANY level in jeopardy? Will they change the statistics from the numbers you give them to meet their expectations?

This government has targeted private individuals using government-gathered information. Remember, Joe The Plumber was investigated by the Democratic party using state of Ohio records so his reputation could be ruined. And that was because he asked a question... a single question.

And on the flip-side, as class-envy is all the rage in the socialist states of america, when it comes time to hire a pardoned illegal alien, how would you feel about it? Would you look at someone you have reason to suspect may not have entered the country legally, and you have to question what other laws they are willing to break.

I am involved in the hiring and firing of my company's employees. I don't particularly care for that part of the job, yet it IS what I get a paycheck for, so I do my best. I had to fire two people (one for theft, the other for obscene levels of incompetence...) in the past month, and I am sifting through resumes right now. I can tell you, I consider illegal aliens to be criminals. I WILL discriminate on the basis of their past criminal behavior, pardoned or not. I make no apologies for it, and I will defend the decision all the way into court if it should come up.

I am not engaging in class-envy here. I do not want to stand in the way of these people that will likely get pardoned shortly, as they seek a better life. I can not however reconcile the moral dilemma of protecting my boss's company with the democrat need to ruin our society in ever increasing chunks of our country's foundation.

So when the census form shows up, please, please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEAAAASEEE think carefully and ask yourself what the consequences will be.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.


  1. For the first time in my life, I'm actually considering NOT filling out my census form when it arrives. Or, at the very least, being very vague in regard to my answers.
    And that's not a good thing...
    I'm afraid these days; afraid of my own country. I don't feel safe here anymore. That bothers me.

  2. I worry that I'm becoming too alarmist... sort of like a significantly less sexy version of Ann Coulter... but the truth is, every time I try to relax I find a new reason to get upset. The biggest thing to remember however is that this is still your country, and what it means you're going to have to fight for it. The price for freedom is eternal vigilence.
    Don't worry "Ed".... you're not alone.
