I was just flipping channels and accidentally stopped on a giggling rhesus monkey named Laura Maddow on MSNBC. Honestly, I had thought Rush was over-stating the case when he called them "PMSNBC" but seriously, this gal was just denigrating to the ranks of Hooters gals everywhere. She had the deep and thoughtful job of purposefully explaining how the Democrat party is about to make a game-changing legal change that has grave consequences for the United States.
She reported it with all the depth of a recorded cellphone call between two bitchy mallrat girls discussing ohmygawd that is soooo kewl....
So let's forget about her and instead pay attention to the real story, which is the "Freedom of Choice" ruling that is being given to America as a payola to Union Leaders for selling out America... errr... uhm... I mean helping Hussein get elected. It's basically a law that eliminates secret balloting when unions want to unionize a business.
It's not supported by the workers (and for good reason... who wants to cast a vote when one side or the other can get retribution against you....). It's certainly not supported by business owners. It basically just forces everyone to go union. That's some freedom for you.
In the Faustian Pact that is the Hussein administration, he giveth with one hand whilst taking with the other. He makes it easier for people to unionize while encouraging businesses to fold in order to prevent unionization.
And the Devil... 'scuze me.... The Tasmanian Devil... errr.... President Hussein.... (phew... almost slipped there....) writhes with indignation and proclaims he is NOT a Socialist. Frankly, that old saw about how if it looks like s**t and it smells like s**t and it tastes like s**t it's probably s**t comes to mind here.
I mentioned Charlie the Fedex guy... he picks up Fedex packages at my office... he's a nice guy. He's intelligent, hard-working, dedicated and always upbeat. He took umbrage that I call our Commander-In-Chief Hussein. He said "Why don't you give him a little time?".
I've been waiting for months now for him to do something.... anything.... that suggests I'm on the wrong side of the argument. You see, I'd LOVE to be persuaded that the Democrats have the right idea, and that their way is the correct way. But Hussein just keeps on defying expectations and selling souls to the devil.
Of course by now you should know that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are expected to gain work from the stimulant. That oughta help Americans! That's a little bit like proclaiming global warming during one of the coldest winters in recent years... (looooooong, silent and pregnant pause to be inserted here..... maybe some cricket chirps.... ).
What more does he have to do to tell America that he's in charge and he's gonna get even with us for being so.... ummm.... so.... I dunno... not nice or something. He's done everything he can without getting Harry Reid to feel even slightly betrayed, so I guess there's still some more he can do.
Of course, the picture isn't all crappy. There's a rosy side to all this... after all, think of how all those Illegal Aliens will finally have quality Union Retirement packages.
And all it will cost is the future of the United States of America.
I'm not sure, but I think Hussein is the 13th Imam.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
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