Monday, March 2, 2009

Taking out the Trash, Hussein-style...

The Hussein camp in its relentless bid to further demonize the Bush administration today unleashed documents that suggest a cover-up from the Bush camp about human rights violations. In short, when it became apparent that the identities of CIA operatives interrogating suspected terrorists in captivity might be leaked, some 92 video tapes and assorted audio tapes were destroyed.

The generally held belief, according to Yahoo!.com's news piece, is that this was a result of Bush trying to find ways to determine just how much ability he had to suspend certain civil liberties in the search for terrorists.

Of course the story goes further, you can read it here:

(I'm sorry, I'm still trying to figure out how to hyper-link....)

So in the interest of making sure that those who seek to destroy America don't have their feelings bruised, Hussein is willing to toss out critical historical documents as so much dog crap just to tear away at Bush. You might wonder why, as it's pretty likely the world is free of the brutal oppression of George W. Bush. The answer, unfortunately, is that Hussein wants to make anyone who even dared to support his policies look foolish and to make it so difficult for Conservatives and Republicans to stage a comeback that the Dems will be in power until... well until they run out of money....

Which oughta be in just a couple of weeks if those retards don't stop throwing it all away like drunken sailors on a Thai bender.

You know, it used to be kind of funny, especially since it was true, that McCain would get furious whenever the joke about what Obama and Osama Bin Laden shared in common (they both had friends who bombed the Pentagon...) but now it takes on a more chilling mantle. Obama, or as I like to refer to him, President Hussein, gets secret letters from terrorist organization Hamas, spouts policies that anger and drive wedges between the US and Israel, and apologizes to Muslims everywhere for America being such an ass.

It's funny how just a year ago such things were called "Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy".

In every day and in every way Hussein is making it known that he WILL ruin this nation, and he WILL make the damage as long-lasting and horrible as he can. Why else would he and his minions deride the free market movers and shakers and then solve the problem by spending with abandon more money than we can really even comprehend. This is biblical in scope.

A man of indeterminate but definitely alien background, a smooth talker with a silver tongue and a craving for dead babies, a man who doesn't understand life but is eager to rest it from the unborn, a man who seeks retribution for the people of the country who have not achieved, and fostered class envy and outright hatred, a man who has as his number one agenda the reversal of what made this country all that it had achieved, and who seeks to elimante personal freedoms with vague promises and platitudes...

I give you your president.

No, really... I give him to you....

I don't want him anymore. You can have him back.

I shoulda checked before I got got the damned thing, but he hid his registration.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

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