Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just to prove they're fair....

What really bothered me while scanning this news article found on Yahoo! about an American terrorist being added to the FBI's Most Wanted list was not that they had chosen to target an American.... it is, after all, the FBI and not the CIA... it's the urgency and "look at us!!!! Look at us!!!! We're being fair here!!!" attitude.

What am I babbling about?

Well, just two weeks after the Dept. of Homeland Security issued copies of Right Wing Extremism reports to the law enforcement firms around the United States and fell under intense pressure, even being cited by both Democrat and Republican Senators for what is at best a shoddy and near Garafolo-like compost heap of unfounded accusations, the FBI not only opted to make AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, as they boldly point out, and a LEFT-WING TERRORIST as they wanted damn certain to make sure you'd pick up on it, a member of the FBI's mile-high club.

This administration is almost painfully trying to be seen as fair and equal in its treatment of Americans, even going so far as to tout it as a good thing that we still can be assured that left wing people are still capable of committing crimes.

Anyone who has paid attention to the media for the past six months is already very familiar with this concept.

Do I really care of this guy is on the list? Not per se... he's a bomber with a greater love of animals than he has for humans, and his use of anarchy to spread his message makes him perfect fodder for the hussein version of Craig'sList.

I'm really more interested in the crude manner in which the FBI wants everyone to know that gosh golly gee whiz, they're not unfair to Americans. They'll arrest anyone. Honest.

I'm expecting now to hear that they will be secretly eavesdropping on Bruce Springsteen concerts just to make sure Tea Partiers are convinced that this is just normal behavior.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

1 comment:

  1. The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 10 This post is a suggested read at, http://aresay.blogspot.com/
