Okay folks, this one took me a few days to assemble because every time I walked away from MS Word I thought of something else to add. The sick thing is you can probably find a bunch of other things I either didn't know or just plain forgot about.
But here, in no particular order and in some cases with not as much specificity as if I were doing a one-off piece on the particular subject, is a list of egregious behavior on the part of president hussein and his cabinet. It's a long list, but since January 20th we've been witness to a huge number of surprises.
The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama
1) Getting elected – hussein takes office illegally as he has failed to supply adequate proof of US Citizenship. His sole proof consists of a Birth Certificate issued by the State of Hawaii that Hawaii itself does not consider a legal proof of Birth, but rather an acceptance that he exists. The legitimate Birth Certificates of the time show the date, the name of the hospital, the name of the Doctor that performed the delivery, and other useful info. His certificate is legal, but does not prove birth in the US.
Additional to this, his father was a dual citizen of the UK and Kenya, and his mother was 19, and did not live in the US long enough to sufficiently confer US citizenship on her son under those circumstances.
2) Inaugural speech by yet another pastor associated with hussein – In truly magnificent manner this uniter of peoples, this savior to the masses, is welcomed into the presidency by a pastor who openly invokes racial statements designed to show that whitey has been keeping them down all these years and now whitey has to try real hard to “….get it right”.
3) Cabinet choices – Setting about to make this government truly his hussein sends out a huge form which ensures that, among other things, no applicants will get through who can embarrass the president. Apparently the form does not have any provisions for tax evasion, because that is the greatest common denominator among his appointees. The most galling of course being the man who is charged with ridding the country of trillions of excess and wasteful cash we happened to not have lying around, Tim Gaitner.
4) His first official interview as president – It’s fitting for a man who never said how great America is yet still got elected, that he would think that his first interview with the press should be with Al Jazeera in the Middle East.
5) Dissing Bush – After stating categorically for months building up to his ascendancy to the presidency, that America has only one president at a time, therefore avoiding any having to actually answer questions directed at him (which, it seems, we will later find out he doesn’t like….), as soon as he is in the oval office he begins to review and roll back many major laws of George’s. This is kind of an expected move, however he made sure everyone knew how horrible these things were because they were the kind of laws that were created with a moral core, such as fetal stem cell research limitations and anti-abortion rules.
6) Abortion – speaking of everyone’s favorite subject, hussein, a long-time proponent of making abortions as grisly as possible (voting three times in Chicago to allow late-term abortions and to prevent any life support to be given to any late-term abortion baby that should somehow survive the attempt….) pressed through a law forcing hospitals to perform abortions even if they have a moral objection (for instance, Catholic hospitals who MIGHT see some reason to object…) or risk having their license to be a hospital revoked.
7) Making peaceful overtures to Iran – as is customary hussein used a recent Middle-eastern holiday to send a video message to the people of Iran telling them that if they can just persuade their leaders to loosen up a bit he would graciously allow them to become citizens of the world. The Iranian president was amused and said he didn’t care.
8) Making peaceful overtures to the Taliban – sending Secretary of State and feared social watchdog Hillary Clinton to the middle east, hussein passed along this message to the Taliban – Renounce your violent ways and Al Qaeda and we will let you return to your homes and be free. The most common word is the reply submitted by Mullah Omar’s spokesman was “Lunatic”. The rest of the words were not THAT encouraging either.
9) Making peaceful overtures to the Mexican Drug Cartels – Enjoying being humiliated, Hillary also sent a message to the Drug Cartels who have engaged in a horrific campaign of violence just south of our border. She made it quite clear that America was apologizing for over 3,000 deaths and disappearances to the industry so in-control of the situation that they have people whose job it is to mix up acids as a cocktail to melt their victims down so they can never be found. Apparently it is our appetite for drugs that is making them kill so viciously.
10) Not specifically a hussein-related item, but on a similar vein a Harvard professor shows the world just how asinine costly tuitions can be by advocating in a very well-distributed essay how we could stop this circle of Mexican violence and even profit from it by legalizing all these terrible drugs. Of course he doesn’t explain how this can be equated with the campaign to eliminate cigarettes from the world, but that’s just nit-picking.
11) Setting the timetable in Iraq – Taking credit for Bush’s successes in Iraq, hussein went ahead and ignored EVERYONE’s advice and told the enemies of a free and democratic Iraq how long they could vacation and recharge their batteries before finishing the job they started. And WHEN did he pick to have all the US troops out of Iraq? Why the convenient year of 2011… just in case there was a snowballs’ chance in hell of him getting re-elected.
12) The American Re-investment and Recovery Act – or as many Americans call it, “Deep Throat” – the king of transparency ram-rodded this down our throats so fast that two months later we are still struggling to understand what the provisions are. hussein’s insistence that there is not a minute to lose allowed him to pass many invasive and legally unnecessary laws, all the while proclaiming that this is not wasteful. After all, how could ANY $780,000,000,000.00 spending bill be considered wasteful?
13) Our take home pay – provisional to ARRA (see #12, above…) the president announced that he was changing the tax laws and effective April 1st Americans would see up to $13.00 more in their paychecks. If you did what I did, which wass to confirm my suspicions by calling the IRS who were none to happy to have to answer this question, admitting that it was something even THEY were unsure of, they eventually relented and told me that “YES”, it is NOT a change in the tax laws. It is a change in the WITHHOLDING laws. The lie is still being repeated around the country. I remember George H.W. Bush pulling this one in the early 1990s and was no more happy with HIM, and I liked that guy.
14) The first step toward socialized medicine – also provisional to ARRA, it was signed into law that all medical procedures would require significant proof of identification (even more so it seems than is required for proof of constitutional right to the presidency…) which would then be admitted into a national database so that the government can computerize and nationalize the health care system. The repercussions of this are chilling, especially as this back-door approach means he doesn’t have to OFFICIALLY socialize medical coverage, just the things that medical coverage would handle.
15) Hussein’s triple-punch insult via media – In a week of wackiness hussein had a media blitzed which included appearing on Leno (which in itself has historically been considered beneath the office of the presidency…) and comparing his bowling skills to those of the Special Olympics. Children, a hated and despised resource per hussein’s voting record… should be easily able to out-bowl him, especially if they are physically or developmentally handicapped. They were ELATED to hear that one.
This was followed by his taped appearance on the venerable left-wing propaganda machine “60 Minutes” wherein hussein laughed so sardonically about the prospect of an America in horrible financial straits that even his interviewer had to ask if he was punch-drunk. Other follow-up questions that most Americans were asking included the words “insane?”, “psychologically bankrupt?”, “morally bereft?” and so forth.
Finally, refusing to let himself be outdone by only having two major gaffes on national television in a week, hussein was asked by CNN correspondent during a recent Q & A on one of his interminable addresses to the nation… the one where he wanted to sell America on his plan to buy up toxic bank assets… about his having waited for a few weeks prior to feigning outrage over AIG bonuses… Want to see real outrage? Watch that segment again… a cold, icy stare and a long pause before hussein grumpily acknowledged that he did indeed know, but wanted to “know what he was talking about before speaking”. America welcomes this new shift in policy and can’t wait for it to be implemented. Ed Henry, for his part, was so mortified by this event he wrote an apology to the president in the form of an essay explaining how he had accidentally performed his duties… promising to never make THAT mistake again.
16) AIG Bonuses – While we’re on the subject, hussein and his dem cronies pretended to be morally outraged over the idea that several AIG execs were stealing our money and using them to be highly paid for doing a bad job. This argument struck a chord with Hallmark who turned it into a new national holiday where apart from buying greeting cards with death threats to those execs the main way to celebrate is grab a torch or a pitchfork and form a necktie party to string ‘em up.
And yes, you read that right… a sitting US president used his office to incite americans to target and threaten other Americans over that most harmful of reasons, class-envy.
Of course the fact that AIG exec bonuses were fully laid out to the Government prior to any bailout and no law was being broken were immaterial. The idea that these bonuses were on average about 1/56,000th of the entire bailout that AIG received was immaterial as well.
17) hussein regrets his mob not killing the execs – In a recent letter to the NY Times, one of the many AIG execs resigned from AIG and explained that he had been asked to work six day work weeks 12 – 14 hours a day dismantling the company he had helped to build (in a division that had never ceased to be profitable until the government took it over…) for a company who had bankrupted him by destroying his stock portfolio, which was heavily AIG-based… and all for the princely salary of $1.00 for a year. The $750,000.00 retention bonus he was to be paid was his compensation AFTER working for a year for $1.00.
This was apparently deemed not important information for hussein to include as he rallied americans to go after these people.
18) America’s funniest home president – After receiving thoughtful and historically significant gifts from the British PM, hussein felt compelled to come up with something suitable to return the favor, but you know how it is when you're busy, it’s hard to shop for presents last-minute. That would be why he gave the PM a 25 movie gift set of classic American movies. To make matters worse, when the PM was feeling all super-special and everything after he got back home to merry old England he popped a DVD into his DVD-player… which as many of us know, in England is Region 2, and would not play a region 1 DVD.
19) America’s funniest home president PT 2 – Hosting the Irish PM (or whatever his job title is…) at a state gathering, hussein read from his ever-present teleprompters about his visit to America and then thanked himself for inviting himself to the party.
20) America’s funniest home president PT 3 – This one’s great because it’s a one-two punch with de-clawed america-hater michelle hussein… while in Europe for the G20 summit for a round of apologizing, hussein stopped by to see the Queen of England and present HER with a gift that magically would play in their country… a video iPod… just what every 70 year old woman yearns for. And just to make sure that it stays in mint-never-been-used condition he loaded it down with video and pictures of himself.
Not to be outdone, michelle hussein, upon meeting Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, ran up to her and wrapped her arms around the queen and kissed her. Flummoxed and oddly NOT turned on by this inappropriate public display of affection, the Queen decided that to save face she would say that this was “refreshing” and “charming”. Even in the face of rampant and hopeless cluelessness those Brits have it all over us for classy responses. Or maybe it’s just their accents, I Don’t know and get confused.
21) Playing “Miss Manners” for the Republican party – in a move widely seen as predatory and designed to foment rebellion within party ranks, hussein’s cabinet wasted no time in identifying Rush Limbaugh as the defacto head of the Republican party. A feat of some impressiveness as Rush is NOT running for any office. But facts are never a deterrent to hussein. So for a brief time americans entertained themselves by debating Rush Limbaugh… all the while missing important legal actions that hussein was making.
22) Fall-out from AIG – making certain that america never has to fear another institution would bring the economic world to it’s knees again, hussein eased up on the harsh, unparalleled threats of legal actions and directed excessive taxation targeted at political enemies (or victims, if you will….) of up to 90% tax rates. He instead enacted a law that allowed him to seize control of ANY BANK whether or not they had received financial assistance form the government, and run it as his own. This was seen as an act of generosity toward the AIG execs who, it seems, might not have actually committed a crime worthy of what hussein did to them in the first place.
23) Proof that the ARRA has done its job – despite a worsening economic outlook, increasingly high unemployment figures, and general gloom and doom, hussein proudly touted the hiring of 25 police officers in Ohio as proof that $780,000,000,000.00 was money well-spent.
24) Filed under the “I’m not so sure they even KNOW how to count” category, hussein has another provision in ARRA which gives $4,000,000,000.00 to suspiciously partisan non-partisan group ACORN, with whom he has had previous dealings, so that they could participate in the 2010 census.. which was never part of their jurisdiction before hand. I for one have complete confidence in the organization that registered 105% of one town’s population to vote in the last presidential election, and has had Federal lawsuits placed against them in every election they have been involved in for the past several years.
25) WHY is ACORN needed? Why to include illegal aliens in the census, of course, silly? How else are you going to make all those people who entered the country illegally and stolen jobs away from Americans while thumbing their noses at the ones who came here legally and learned to appreciate America for what it is, citizens if you don’t even start with the basics, like counting them and then putting them on welfare?
26) I think this one’s my favorite – According to a Russia Today News broadcast, hussein is secretly crafting a law which will allow him to infiltrate any American’s computer on suspicion of copyright infringement. Even though it’s not one of the mandates he was elected to do, he wants that level of control. Good thing there’s NOTHING suspicious in his background that might make you think he would do anything immoral with power like THAT.
In case you think I’m being alarmist, remember Joe The Plumber? Right after he embarrassed hussein last summer by asking him why he wanted to tax him away from starting up his own business, the democrats used Ohio State computers to investigate Joe to dig up dirt on him. Given that, it’s only a tiny leap of logic to think that any government that is willing to enter our home computers is also willing to PLANT EVIDENCE there so that they can be arrested on things like child-porn.
27) The Auto Industry – Imposing tremendous restrictions on the auto industry to solve their problems while ignoring the one area that might actually help – excising the auto unions… hussein has given the US car companies 60 days to show that they can kill their own companies or he will do it for them. While he has been adamant that he has no desire to run a car company, he was less than perturbed to have the GM CEO replaced. Funny, but the last time I was fired it was by my employer.
28) No Nukes! – once again with the touchy/feely approach to government that warms our hearts with outrage, president hussein is wandering around Europe touting a desire to eliminate all nuclear warheads form the planet. Apparently he never made it to the end of Superman IV.
His approach to have every country in the world, including N. Korea and Russia, Iran and Pakistan, and even people he HATES like Israel all dismantle their weapons at the same time.
It has to be an all-or-nothing deal or it just won’t happen.
This from the same guy who sputtered about how N. Korea wouldn’t play by the rules.
Let me know if you think of any more.
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