Will there be any significance from my joining other unhappy Tax Payers to stand outside City Hall and wave a placard at them?
Will my voice add to a growing chorus of frustration at the unbridled excesses of president hussein and his cadre of thugs?
In the end, will my participation have made ANY difference whatsoever?
The answer to these questions is, of course, YES.
I still seethe with disgust whenever I meet a fellow American who felt that he shouldn't vote because his voice wouldn't amount to anything. If enough of those Americans got together think of THAT collective vote. hussein did NOT win by a landslide victory, even though the media were calling some states in his favor with less than 6% of the vote in (thanks alot, Fox News!!!).
I am a working American. I work for Chinese-born Canadian citizens and I run U.S. operations out of a 40,000 square foot warehouse. I get by on what most would consider a modest salary for my job title, but I don't complain about the pay and I truly believe in the work I do, even if it is historically uninteresting.
I will have to make some careful plans to be at the tea party while still meeting the real and valuable duties to my employer. But I believe the effort is worthwhile.
As much as I like to feel I've been a good Conservative I really haven't. Apart from some ranting on the interweb, I have done NOTHING to impact on the election process. I couldn't imagine a society so abjectly asinine that would willingly elect a man who never once said how much he loves America.
See where THAT got me?
So, yes, I will go to the tea party, and Yes, I will carry a sign, and Yes, I will be outspoken. It gets me out from behind my keyboard where there is an admitted safety factor of relative anonymity (although as my full name is on display THAT anonymous-factor is kind of mitigated...) and it helps me to feel less alone.
This creeping sense of loneliness is one of our greatest adversaries. People over-think when they are alone... they extrapolate without all the facts, and they make assumptions which are usually wrong when they are alone. For this first visual footprint in the war against Socialism to have an impact, we must all meet and face one another, look into another human's eyes, and recognize that there is a light inside some of us which recalls what our fathers fought and died for, and calls us to answer in our own way the same fight, but with the next enemy willing to put themselves in harm's way.
This is not a new fight, we are not the first Americans to stand up for these values, and this is hardly the first enemy we have ever faced.
What IS new is the ferocity of the attacks, the lack of outrage where it should be, and the willing and servile complicitness of our media, who have much to answer for.
BUT, there is one greater reason... the one which cemented my desire to join the Tea Party.
Yeah, according to Michelle Malkin's page, ACORN has begun to sit up and take notice of the Tea Parties. They are infiltrating them and smearing them. Remember the McCain/Palin rally where it was claimed that someone advocated killing hussein? The charge was false, but the accusation stuck.
As ACORN has taken an interest, the message must be something of a threat to their overlord president hussein.
The wise man fights for the lost cause, and just now the lost cause is definitely ours.... we have a huge hill to mount and there will be hell to pay, but should we succeed we will not be the only ones to win... all Americans will be the winners.
This is one of the many thousand reasons why this is important... we aren't doing this for ourselves. There is no personal glory. We are soldiers, and the call to duty has arrived. It is time for us to step out from the shadows and be counted as one.
I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.
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