Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Shame it was Janeane Garafolo they let talk...

I am reasonably convinced that there are a great many pampered and radically leftist America-Haters in Hollywood. They tend to be tempered by people like Clint Eastwood, the late Ron Silver, and other talented people who have held their heads high and kept the tradition of acting from being completely spat upon.

It is a tragedy of epic proportions that the left felt it was time to unlock the filthy cage they keep Janeane Garafolo locked up in so that she could go out and bravely rant incoherently about the Right Wing movement to prevent the destruction of America.

I would have much rather had an intelligent-sounding, or even attractive rival to go up against. More sanity exists in Tom Cruise on an Oprah-fueled high, or in the Dixie Chicks as they shed their clothes for the cover of Entertainment Weekly, or from Tina Fey who at least can be funny when they tell her she's supposed to be...

But JG? No... she's an unattractive, unfunny, talentless bottom-sucker who has managed to parlay a friendship with Ben Stiller into a life of being pampered, over-paid and thinking she is somehow better or smarter than other people. Sort of like a less talented Whoopi Goldberg.

In order to make herself sound smarter she babbles about "The Limbic Mind", which in lay men's terms, is the more instinctual responses that first are generated by a perception before the later, more educated response kicks in. It's not an entirely unusable concept, however it's also a concept that is widely debated in psychiatric circles. To give you a more physical example, the limbic mind would at first see a shiny apple and jump to the conclusion it was tasty and desirable. The more educated response that would then follow would be the concern that the apple must first be washed to rid it of pesticides, etc... You see? She's talking about the initial emotional response.

Because Conservatives are generally readers, go HERE to find out more about the Limbic Mind.

To find out what too much pampered living without benefit of an original thought can do for you watch the Left-Wing Bimbo herself babble on without facts, logical discourse, or context in this wonderful YouTube! clip.

But for the holier-than-thou JG, we Conservative playthings of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh et al... never reach the liberal concept of rational thought, but are stuck forever in limbic thought.

So, in keeping with the liberal playbook, she is demonstrating her beneficence for us by doing our thinking for us.

And what thinking does she attribute to us?

Racism of course.

She's above that. She would never be racist. The idea is alien and abhorrent to the holier-than-thou Janeane Garafolo, mistress of the unwashed and honorable poster woman for the plain-looking.

So you'd never hear her utter any racist comments of her own... I mean you'd certainly never hear her say anything like "... but these people, all white, most of them, unless there are some people with Stockholm Syndrome.... ".

Gawd almighty, couldn't they have sent us Susan Sarandon? Cripes, at least she believes her own crap.

JG reads her script and doesn't bother to worry if the words string together in a meaningful manner. She knows to hit her touchstones, names of Right-leaning journalists, she knows to be derisive at all the right parts and she... ummm. now what's her motivation supposed to be again when she brings up Fox news?

Did you notice how, just like in the DHS report, it was brought up that no laws were broken, but boy there sure could have been! And THAT's a shame.

I have to apologize. I've been resorting to a certain amount of character-assassination in this rant, which I like to think is out of character for me. I try to limit my charges of personal lapses to the decision-making abilities of those people who have stolen our highest governmental offices. JG is neither a politician, a policy-maker, nor is she a particularly strong voice. She's a ratings grabber. She's a consistent shrill voice that can be pulled out of her dungeon every once in awhile secure in the fact that her dribbling phrases will elicit a suitably left-wing chord of sympathy.

But she's kind of fun to make fun of. I guess it's that condescending manner in which she relegates anyone who isn't on her side as subhuman and hive-minded. It takes away the appeal to use restraint and considerate action when responding to her, and gives us license to just go ahead and call her the unwashed skank whore of the liberal party.

In all due respect, if there are any unwashed skank whores who are not liberals, I clearly and humbly submit my apologies. I did not wish to associate you with someone so clearly capable of lowering your status in life further.

And if you ARE one of the unwashed skank whores of the liberal party and you ARE offended, then congratulations, you got the point.

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message


  1. Oh that's just marvelous. So glad I showered today.... *wink* No unwashed skank here!

  2. JJ,

    You write in terms of how much you love your country, your son, and your rights. You have never to my knowledge written a syllable of racism, nor made personal attacks against anyone. Your lovely photo was not a surprise for me, and your take on events is always interesting. Those are the qualities of a lady.

    By contrast Janeane Garafolo's demeanor was insincere, baseless, un-informed, cruel, gutless, condescending, brittle, crass, unbecoming, cowardly, and offensive.

    The only words lower than "Skank" that I can think of are un-printable here, and are better suited to Andrew Dice-Clay improvisational limerick contests.

    I could never think of you and the Garoffalo thing in the same terms.

    Thanks for giving me a springboard on this one, and don't let the skank ruin your day. She's far too asinine to lend any real credence to.

    As always, have a wonderful weekend....

  3. The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 8 This post is a suggested read at,
