Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Rose by any other name...

Okay, so what's in a name, really?

Let's Parse it, shall we?

Barack Hussein Obama.

Okay, it doesn't SOUND like something from America. But y'know, that's okay. I'm not hurting over something as juvenile as that. But still, ya gotta admit, "Barack" isn't real common. I wonder, what were his parents like?

Mom was white, dad was black. Makes him a mullato. That's okay too. Unlike him I'm not racist. I actually BELIEVE in the melting pot concept. He could be named Mohandas K. Oppenheimer and I wouldn't have any issue with him.

After all, he's made from good old-fashioned American stock, right?


Lessee here.... he SAID he was born in Hawaii. Now I know from my woefully underfunded school days from teachers who used to be so poor they had to walk three miles to get to school, barefoot in a raging snowstorm, that he has to have been born in the US of A in order to be made president.

Assuming he is not lying about his age he made it to being born in a US state in time (sadly, just 4 days before me, it turns out....) as Hawaii had been a state for two years by then. So why did he fight so hard to avoid legitimizing his nationality since after all, he WAS trying to run for the highest office of the land?

I know I'm talking more in terms of emoiton than hard fact right now, but it still angers me... this nagging idea that a Kenyan sits in the Oval office. Normally I have little truck for Kenyans... I don't care either way about them. But normally they are not in charge of my country.

This question should NOT go away during or even after this term, and should be investigated to its fullest extent.

When someone comes in and makes such sweeping changes and undercuts so many of his supposedly fellow countrymen's ideals, it is these questions that most need an answer.

So what's in a name... Kenya would be just as good a name as America, wouldn't it?

I'm Dr. Calamity and I approve this message.

1 comment:

  1. Good Lord, that was good. Couldn't have stated it better, myself.
    This thing with his citizenship has always bothered me, too.
    And I agree, where the HELL are his papers? Where is his PROOF that he is, in fact, a citizen of this nation?
    Nowhere. Because they do not exist.
    I just keep telling myself, we only need to survive four years....just four years....just..four...years....
